Friday, March 29

Open Noon – 7:00 p.m.

Fellowship Hall

(Please enter the Fellowship Hall through the doors facing the front plaza.)

Labyrinth in Fellowship HallOn the floors of several European cathedrals are drawings, now often unnoticed, that served an important function during life in the Middle Ages.  Called labyrinths, the spiraling pathways provided an opportunity for the faithful to “go on pilgrimage.”  Though sometimes used as a form of penance, more generally the labyrinth served as an occasion for a walking meditation as a “pilgrim” slowly moved toward the center and then returned with a renewed sense of focus about God and the responsibility of the self in God’s world.

Our canvas labyrinth is a replica of the one originally laid in the 12th century in the floor of the Chartes Cathedral in France. As Holy Week comes to a close, River Road Church cordially invites you to experience a meditative walk. Written material on the last words of Christ as well as material about the labyrinth’s history and symbolism will be available. We suggest that you allow approximately 45-60 minutes for the labyrinth experience.