Two Wednesday evenings ago, I was privileged to participate in a true “God” moment here at River Road Church, Baptist.
During the course of the school year our preschool Mission Kids, led by Sarah and Jack Heisler and Laurie Gray, have made special cards to send to members of River Road Church. Sometimes the children send cards to those in retirement homes, and other times they make cards for those who are sick. Joyce Parker was the recipient of some of these very special cards. The children wanted Joyce to know that they cared about her and were praying for her. They wanted to “bless” Joyce with good wishes and beautiful preschool “pictures.”
Last Wednesday evening that blessing was returned ten-fold when Joyce and Marshall made a visit to the preschool Mission Kids class to greet the children and talk about how God had answered their prayers. Joyce gently shared with the children how much their prayers had meant to her and then showed them exactly how God had worked in her life. She even stood up and walked a few steps to show them how her “new” legs worked! She patiently answered questions and then gave each child a special book mark as a way to say thank you. Joyce and Marshall Parker are truly amazing people and created an amazing moment for all of us present.
God does answer prayers. For those who have eyes to see, hands to touch, and ears to hear God is in the business of bringing new life to each and every one of us.
By Ann Ashcraft, Interim Minister to Children