We had wonderful week at Vacation Bible School. Our voyagers learned that we can go beyond with God’s power and love. Our Bible verse or vector verse for the week was “Glory to God, who is able to do far beyond all that we could ask or imagine by his power at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20). Each day we began with an opening worship where we sang songs and the children were introduced to our theme or power launcher for the day and the bible story. We closed each day with reviewing the theme and story. Ken Wilson and Suzanne Spicer along with their band introduced the children to fun songs, as well as songs that went with our theme each day. Pastor Daniel introduced the children to our power launcher and Bible stories.
During the day our voyagers experienced God through Bible stories, music, art, mission, and recreation. Monday was our orange day, and our power launcher for day was to “Go Beyond with Faith” with the story of Daniel who was protected by God in the lion’s den. Tuesday was our blue day, and our power launcher for the day was to “Go Beyond with Boldness.” The children heard the story of Queen Esther who stood up to save her people. Wednesday was our red or pink day, and our power launcher for the day was to “Go Beyond with Kindness.” Our bible story was the story of the Good Samaritan who stopped to help a fellow traveler. Thursday was our purple or yellow day, and our power launcher for day was to “Go Beyond with Thankfulness.” The Bible story was the story of Jesus when he healed the ten lepers. Friday was our green day, and the power launcher was to “Go Beyond with Hope.” The Bible story was about Jesus and how he comforted his friends on the way to Emmaus.
Our volunteers were fantastic! Kate Knerr and Betsy Lowery led our VBS team, and kept us all on task. A huge thank you to them! Thank you to decorating team led by Caroline Koskinen. Thank you to Revielle United Methodist Church and All Saints Episcopal Church for sharing some of their props and decorations. Thank you to our ladies that purchased and prepared our luncheon led by Karen Collier. Thank you to all our leaders of bible story, missions, music, art, recreation, and snack. Thank you our adult and youth shepherds. Thank you to the greeters and photographers. Thank you to our support staff who helped with communications, and set up and take down of the rooms during week! Last but certainly not least thank you to my fellow ministers who supported and assisted me during the week! It takes everyone to make VBS happen, and I appreciate each of you for participating this week.
Written by Sandy Rooney
Nice article, Sandy. Good job! It does sound like a fun and inspiring week.