Every fellowship collection on Sunday is quickly used at the beginning of the week based on requests we receive weekly for assistance. In the second quarter of 2016, our congregation contributed over $9,000 (over $18,000 for the year) helping 120 people and their families. We even received a thank you note from a grateful grandmother for helping her keep her home since it also meant her 2-month-old grandchild would not be taken from them.

  • 68 Rental Payments
    • 9 Evictions Stopped
    • 5 Homeless into Housing
  • 40 Electric Bills
  • 6 Gas Bills
  • 6 Water Bills
  • 4 Veterans
  • 2 Cancer Patients
  • 1 Disabled
  • 1 Woman, 39 Weeks Pregnant
  • 25 Children

Thank you for your continued support of the deacons’ Fellowship Fund. Your generosity is greatly appreciated, and we ask for your ongoing support and donations so that we can continue to make a difference in the Richmond community. Your donations enable us to directly impact those who need it most. You will find designated blue envelopes in the pew racks, or you may give online (select “Fellowship Fund”). [General instructions for online giving are available.]

Thanks to a generous grant from the Endowment Fund, your contributions to the Fellowship Fund will now go twice as far as before. The Endowment Fund will match the congregation’s contributionseach quarter in 2016, up to a total match of $40,000 for the year.  We are very grateful to the Endowment Board for this generous support.

About the Fellowship Fund:

About the Fellowship Fund: The offering is quietly administered by the Board of Deacons, after a screening and approval process through our church administrative and ministerial staff, for those who have financial needs. If a non-member is in need of assistance, they must be represented through social services or another organization where a case worker can submit a request on their behalf. Members may contact a minister on staff.

Organizations We Partner With: