Pre-register for Wednesday Night Dinners Now and Save!

Standing reservations for Wednesday Dinners are now available for the fall. These include 14 dinners beginning September 7 and running through December 14, 2016.  (No dinner Thanksgiving week.)  The pre-paid standing reservation provides a 10% discount from the normal price, so you can miss a Wednesday or two and maintain the convenience of having a standing reservation.

The deadline to sign-up and pre-pay is anytime before the first dinner on September 7, 2016. To make your standing reservation, please call the Church Office (804-288-1131) and mail your payment, or make your reservation and pay online* through Access ACS.

*Credit cards will not be accepted for payment on Standing Reservations. Please use an electronic funds transfer (EFT) to directly debit the payment from your bank account. If you have any questions, please contact LeAnne Lane.

Normal Price/Week Seasonal Fall 2016 Cost
Adults $7.00/week $89.00/14 weeks
Youth $7.00/week $89.00/14 weeks
Children $3.00/week $38.00/14 weeks
Family Max $20.00/week $252.00/14 weeks

Fall 2016 Program Preview

September 7: Back to School Night with Ed Pruden
September 14: State of the Church Chat with Dan Bagby
September 21: Pastoral Care: How a Congregation Can Care for Their Pastor with Tom Graves
September 28: Jewish High Holy Days with Rabbi Hal Schevitz, Or Atid
October 5: Piety, Power, and Politics in the Bible and the Modern World with Sam Balentine
October 12: Piety, Power, and Politics in the Bible and the Modern World with Sam Balentine
October 19: Piety, Power, and Politics in the Bible and the Modern World with Sam Balentine
October 26: Religious Faith and Voting Patterns in America with Dr. Richard Meagher
November 2: Reintroducing Our Möller Organ with Bob Gallagher
November 9: Recognition of our Veterans with Dean Decker & Speaker TBA
November 16: CBF Global Missions: Refugee Women’s Advocacy Coordinator, Uganda with Missy Ward-Angalla
November 23: No WND&P – Happy Thanksgiving!
November 30: OPEN – New Pastor or State of the Church Chat with Dan Bagby
December 7: Christmas Carol Sing-A-Long with David Gulick
December 14: Starlight Service of Remembrance
December 21: No WND&P – Merry Christmas!
December 28: No WND&P – Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!