Sundays, November 20, 2016 – January 22, 2017
(No Sunday School on December 25 and January 1)
9:45 a.m., LC #106
FaithLink and New Horizons Sunday School Classes are meeting together to study the book unChristian: What a New Generation Really Thinks about Christianity…and Why It Matters by David Kinnaman. Rev. Libby Grammar is leading the book discussion.
Resource Details via Barna Group
Do you want to reach the next generation for Christ?
“…unChristian could be a milestone on the way to a changed church.” Christian Booksellers Association – Retailers & Resources, October 2007
“Every Christian should read this, and it will likely influence the church for years to come.” Publishers Weekly, August 13, 2007
Ministry in America may never have been more confusing and complex – or have more opportunites. Yet, to connect young people to Jesus, you have to understand what they think and why. Based upon groundbreaking research among 16- to 29-year-olds, unChristian helps you understand their mindset, their skepticism and their experiences – as well as their points of spiritual openness.
Readers will learn why negative perceptions exist among young people, how to reverse them in Christlike ways, and read about practical examples of how Christians can positively contribute to culture.
You stand to be more effective in your ministry to the next generation by checking out unChristian.
The book also includes forward-looking insights from 30 respected Christian leaders, adding their assessment of the problems and their thoughts about how Christians should respond.