Sunday, September 13, 2015
Immediately Following Worship

A special business meeting of River Road Church, Baptist has been called by the Board of Trustees for Sunday, September 13, 2015, immediately following the 11:00 a.m. worship service in the Sanctuary for the purpose of electing a Pastor Search Committee to conduct a search for a new pastor.

Business to be conducted at the meeting will include only the following:

  • Adoption of procedures for the meeting (see proposed procedures below).
  • Presentation of the report of the Nominating Committee containing the names of the nominees proposed by it for election to the Pastor Search Committee.
  • Acceptance of additional nominations from the floor. (Either the nominee, if present, or the person making the nomination must state the nominee’s willingness to serve.)
  • Election of the ten-person Pastor Search Committee and alternates.
  • Pursuant to the church’s Constitution, voting will be limited to church members present at the business meeting who have attained sixteen years of age. Prior to the commencement of the meeting, members attending the meeting will be given ballots containing the names of the nominees proposed by the Nominating Committee with spaces provided for insertion of additional nominee names.

The following are proposed as procedures for the meeting:

  • Following the call-to-order of the meeting by the Church Moderator and adoption of procedures for the meeting, the report of the Nominating Committee will be received and nominations accepted from the floor.
  • Discussion of the nominations will follow. (Each speaker will be requested to limit his or her time to two minutes.)
  • After the nominations are closed and discussion concluded, the ballots will be cast, with each member voting for no more than ten persons. Eligible members present on the church campus, but carrying out other church duties, such as child care, shall be deemed “present at the business meeting” and provided ballots for voting.
  • The ballots will be collected by the ushers and the meeting recessed. The votes will be counted by members of the Tellers Committee and the results transmitted to the Moderator. At the Church Gathering of members to be held on the evening of September 13, 2015, the Moderator will reconvene the business meeting and announce to those present the names of the ten persons elected to the committee. This information will also be provided to members by electronic mail on the following day.
  • Should vacancies occur on the committee, alternate members will be chosen from the remaining nominees, with the nominee receiving the next highest number of votes being the first to be chosen. The Moderator will also announce the names of the first two alternates.

Board of Trustees: Wallace L. Chandler; Stuart M. Seaton; Tuckie Smart Paxton