Christmas Eve Services at River Road Church
Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas Eve Family Service
4:00 p.m. on the Plaza

River Road Church family,

Due to the rapid rise in COVID cases in our community, we have made the decision to move the 4pm Family Christmas Eve Service outside on the Plaza (the brick patio outside the sanctuary). Luckily, the weather looks like it will cooperate with us. If you are able, please bring lawn chairs for your family.

We will enjoy an abbreviated time of singing carols together, reading the Christmas story, hearing children and youth sing, and receiving a candle to represent the light of Christ coming into the world.

We will still collect non-perishable goods for Welborne UMC Community Food Pantry. These can be dropped off in the designated bins on the plaza.

While we are sorry to have made this change, we hope that you will come and take part as we celebrate Christ’s birth.

Merry Christmas!
The Pastoral Staff

Christmas Eve Service of Candlelight & Holy Communion
8:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary
Meditation by Rev. Dr. Daniel E. Glaze
Music by Chancel Choir, Chancel Bell Choir, & Hannah Hammel, flautist
Music for organ & flute begins at 7:40 p.m.

Join us for our traditional Christmas Eve Service of Candlelight and Holy Communion. Pre-worship music for organ and flute will begin at 7:40 p.m. Our flautist is Hannah Hammel (Principal Flute of the Detroit Symphony). Masks are required. This service will be broadcast live at

In this service we will celebrate communion. For those worshiping at home, please gather elements prior to worship if you are able—crackers or bread, juice—whatever you have that is the closest. Sincerity and the meaning of sharing in Christ together are most important.

12/23/21 Re-Entry Task Force Update

Dear Church Family,

The Re-Entry Task Force and Pastoral Staff has just made the decision that masks are required at the 8pm Christmas Eve Service. Further, for those who are unvaccinated, we strongly encourage you to watch the livestream service at We will also encourage distancing in the sanctuary, and we will provide overflow distanced seating in the Fellowship Hall. We feel this is in the best interest of our church family.

The spread of COVID has been rapid in our community and has affected multiple families in our congregation in recent days. We realize that this decision may be at odds with what some in our congregation may be expecting or wanting. However, we made this decision out of love for our church and a deep desire to keep you safe.

Should further decisions regarding this service be warranted, we will communicate those with you via email as soon as possible.

Thank you in advance for your understanding. We are praying for you.