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Sunday Mornings
- 9:45 a.m.: Sunday School
- 11:00 a.m.: Worship, Sanctuary
- Children’s Church for first and second grades
Upcoming Events
First Sunday Food Share—Creating a New Family Tradition!
Sunday, September 2, 2018
River Road Church has a long history of working in many capacities with our three Baptist Centers: Church Hill, Oregon Hill, and South Richmond. We have donated food and other needed items, and we have gone to the centers and provided services and care. On the first Sunday of each month, you are invited to bring a bag of food for the Baptist Centers and place it in one of the green grocery carts in the Upper or Lower Commons. To best serve our centers and their communities, the center directors are requesting smaller-sized products. A suggested shopping list of food can be found here.
Celebration Sunday
Sunday, September 9, 2018
Sunday Morning
- 9:40-10:00: Open House for Children & Youth Sunday School
- 9:45-10:45: Sunday School (all ages)
- 11:00-12:00: Worship with Gratitude Celebration
Parents, bring your children and youth to Sunday School early so you can meet their teachers.
Sunday Evening
- 5:00-5:15: Gather for potluck picnic
- 5:15-6:15: Food is served
- 6:30-7:15: Summer Presentations
- 7:15-8:00: Continued fellowship, games, etc.
Return to the church in the early evening for a church-wide picnic. The picnic will include the deacons providing fried chicken and the rest of us providing sides and desserts. Then we will hear from our church family about their summer experiences and adventures.
During the Celebration Sunday picnic, we’ll hear from our youth about their experiences at PASSPORT and Unidiversity Camps and Mission RVA, our children about their time at PASSPORTkids! Camp, and our Nickelsville mission team about serving in Southwest Virginia.
We want to hear from the rest of our church family and how they spent their summer, too! Email one picture from your summer adventure (doesn’t have to be church-related) with a caption to summer@riverroad.church to be included in the Celebration Sunday slideshow.
Potluck side dishes:
- A-J: bring a salad
- K-S: bring a starchy side
- T-Z: bring a dessert
Sign up for the potluck by Tuesday, September 4, 2018.
Inquirers Class
September 16 & 23, October 14 & 21, November 4 & 11
9:00-9:40 a.m., Chapel Hall
Inquirer’s Classes will be held six times this fall and are open to older elementary and youth students. The purpose of the class is to give your student a good foundation in their faith so that they may feel ready to explore the option of baptism. Marnie and Kim will be facilitating these classes. Sign up by September 12 to let us know your student is attending.
Choir Registration is Open
- Cherub Choir (Pre-K & Kindergarten) [Pre-K: Must Turn 4 by September 30, 2018; If your child turns 4 after September 30, please contact Kim Crowley]
- Carol Choir (Grades 1 & 2)
- Crusader Choir (Grades 3-5)
- Youth Choir (Grades 6-12)
Youth Activities
Youth Fall Kickoff & Welcome of 6th Graders:
Parent & Youth Volleyball Game & Potluck
Saturday, September 15
4:00-6:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall
Bring your family as the youth will take on their families in volleyball. Winner has bragging rights. Bring a potluck dish to share, the church will provide paper products and drinks. Following a shared meal, I’ll give a brief overview of where we are headed this fall with youth. Sign up here to let me know how many to expect.
CROP Hunger Walk
Sunday, September 16
1:00 p.m., Ginter Park United Methodist Church
Crop Walk is a mission opportunity available for youth and their families. Please join us for the 48th Richmond CROP Hunger Walk as we walk in solidarity with our neighbors all around the world who must walk long distances daily for food and water. Funds raised from the walk provide food and other resources for families in Richmond and around the world. I would love for RRCB youth to raise $1000 together. You can visit RRCB’s fundraising page here, or get a fundraising packet from Marnie. We will walk on Sunday, September 16. The walk is at Ginter Park Presbyterian Church, but our group will travel together to the start location. The walk is three miles. We will leave RRCB just after 1 pm, and be back following the walk.
If you want to share the fundraising link with others it is: www.crophungerwalk.org/ richmondva/RiverRoad
Sign up here to let Marnie know you are walking.
Sunday Night Youth Group
Sunday, September 23
- 4:00-5:00 p.m.: River Road Camerata
- 5:00-6:00 p.m.: Youth Choir
- 6:00-6:20 p.m.: Snack Supper
- 6:20-7:30 p.m.: Youth Group
Fifth Quarter
Friday, September 28
10:00 p.m. to Midnight, Youth Area
Thoughtful Faith Community
Wednesdays, 4:45-7:00 p.m.
The Board of Christian Education and Spiritual Formation and the pastoral staff have been dreaming and planning Wednesday night experiences designed to help form our faith as a family together. Beginning in the fall of 2018, you will begin to notice some changes to our Wednesday night offerings, which we call Thoughtful Faith Community (TFC).
- 4:45-5:30 – River Road Camerata
- 5:30-6:15 – Dinner and Prayer Time
- 5:45-6:30 – Children’s Choirs
- 6:00-7:00 – TFC-Youth
- 6:15-7:00 – TFC-Adults
- 6:30-7:00 – TFC-Kids
September 12: Intergenerational Discussion with TFC-Adults
- September 19: Intergenerational Activity
- September 26: Games and Dessert
Photos & Videos from Events:
- Youth Mission RVA – August 5-9, 2018
- Unidiversity Youth Camp – July 23-29, 2018
- Vacation Bible School – July 9-13, 2018
- Hands & Hearts Mission Trip – June 24-29, 2018
- PASSPORT Youth Camp – June 24-29, 2018
- PASSPORTkids! Camp – June 20-23, 2018
- #FBF #FGF: Shrove Tuesday Party – June 8, 2018
- Youth Dessert Auction – June 3, 2018
Email pictures from youth events and activities to youth@riverroad.church.
- Marnie Fisher-Ingram (marnie@riverroad.church) – Associate Pastor for Youth and Their Families
- Kim Crowley (kimcrowley@riverroad.church) – Interim Minister to Children
- Bob Gallagher (bobgallagher@riverroad.church) – Minister of Music
- RRCB Youth Facebook Group
- RRCB Children are Great Facebook Group
- RRCB Official Facebook Page