Introducing WOW Events

Introducing WOW Events

Weekend of Wonder February 25-27, 2022 You’ve been reading about our Weekend of Wonder that will take place in late February 2022. On that weekend, we will focus on moving through our lives in ways that are attentive to God’s creative presence, work, and movement in...
Weekend of Wonder Schedule

Weekend of Wonder Schedule

Weekend of Wonder February 25-27, 2022 Have you marked February 25-27, 2022 on your calendar yet? If not, it’s time to set aside these dates. Throughout the Weekend of Wonder we will celebrate being together, sharing our meals in community and allowing ourselves to be...
Weekend of Wonder Schedule

Introducing the Weekend of Wonder Logo

Weekend of Wonder February 25-27, 2022 How do you like our new logo? You’ll see it from here on, whenever there is information shared about our churchwide weekend event, Weekend of Wonder. Mark your calendar for February 25-27, 2022.
Weekend of Wonder Schedule

Mark Your Calendar… February 25-27, 2022

Weekend of Wonder February 25-27, 2022 Perhaps you have heard… that coming in 2022, there will be a weekend event consisting of good food, friendship, community, and laughter, along with learning and worship. The time will be designed to help us reconnect, or maybe...
Weekend of Wonder Schedule

A Hint of Things to Come

Weekend of Wonder What a year we have had, friends! But with spring budding around us and vaccines moving forward, hope is beginning to well up! It will be so wonderful to reclaim freedom to go out, enjoy family visits, hug, gather, and worship, all of us together, in...