Business Meeting

Wednesday, January 30 6:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall The agenda for this meeting includes: Ordination Council Approval to Ordain Blake Traynham Nominating Committee 2013 Approval Nominating Committee 2012 Recommendations Finance Committee – 2013 Annual Budget...

Winter Bible Study: Galatians

Adult Wednesday Night Program – January 16 & 23, February 6 & 20, 2013 Though comprised of less than 150 verses, Paul’s letter to the Galatians has had a disproportionate influence on Christians and the Church throughout history. As an infant Church...

Winter Rest: Creative Ways of Praying

Adult Wednesday Night Program –  January 9, 2013 This is the first Wednesday program for 2013. In winter, we will turn to contemplative, colorful ways of praying. We will consider the ways that rest becomes a creative, spiritual act. A variety of “stations” will...

Children's Christmas Pageant

December 12, 2012 6:45 p.m., Sanctuary A favorite Christmas tradition for all ages that you will not want to miss! Come experience the Christmas Story as told by our Cherub, Carol, Crusader, and Youth choirs through dramatic readings and song. Regular Wednesday...

Stressful Holidays: Making Time for Christ

Adult Wednesday Night Program –  December 5, 2012 Instead of feeling the joy and peace that Christmas is supposed to be about, the holiday season often leaves us feeling stressed and overwhelmed. How do we make time for Christ during the holiday season when we...