Dec 12, 2013 | Thoughtful Faith Community
Wednesday, December 18 6:45 p.m., Fellowship Hall (note new location) A favorite Christmas tradition for all ages that you will not want to miss! Come experience the Christmas Story as told by our Cherub, Carol, Crusader, and Youth choirs through dramatic readings and...
Dec 5, 2013 | Announcements, Thoughtful Faith Community
Pre-register for Wednesday Night Dinners Now and Save! Standing reservations for Wednesday Dinners are now available for the fall. These reservations are only available as a pre-paid option. This means that the 19 Wednesdays from January through May must be pre-paid...
Dec 1, 2013 | Events, Thoughtful Faith Community
Wednesday, December 11 6:30 p.m., Chapel As we prepare for a baby in a manger, this service reminds us that not only was Jesus born for us, Jesus died for us. In this season of joy, this service acknowledges that although Christ came that we might have life and have...
Nov 22, 2013 | Thoughtful Faith Community
Adult Wednesday Night Program 6:30 pm, December 4, Assembly Room Facilitator: Seth Roberts The African American spiritual represents a unique form in sacred music. It is a true coming together of African and European creativity with a value system that is based on the...
Nov 18, 2013 | Events, Thoughtful Faith Community
Tuesday, November 26 7:30 p.m., Sanctuary This year’s Community Thanksgiving Service will be hosted by River Road Church, Baptist. The sermon will be delivered by Dr. Craig Kocher, Chaplain at the University of Richmond. Clergy from several churches along the River...
Nov 14, 2013 | Events, Thoughtful Faith Community
Adult Wednesday Night Program 6:30 pm, November 20, Fellowship Hall Following Wednesday night dinner, the congregation is encouraged to stay in the Fellowship Hall for our annual November business meeting. Items on the agenda include the report of the Nominating...