Sep 6, 2017 | Stewardship
Lessons from our childhood linger throughout our lives. I grew up in the home of a minister who taught church administration at a Baptist seminary. Tithing was an expected part of our family finances. As a child, when I earned money from cutting grass and from my...
Aug 29, 2017 | Stewardship |
“Stewardship” has many meanings for us. When we were asked to write a short piece on giving, and why we give to the church, we began by thinking about the place that River Road Church has taken in our lives. We were married in the Chapel a little over two years ago,...
Aug 22, 2017 | Stewardship
It’s not the only reason, but certainly one of the reasons I give as I do is because of the Board of Missions. This summer I was fortunate to go on three church mission trips. Twenty-three of us went to Camp Alkulana on May 20. Eleven went to Nickelsville, VA from...
Aug 18, 2017 | Pastor's Blog, Stewardship
Stewardship, more than mere giving, is about asking the question, “How is my life to be lived if I am to live my life in God’s service?” There are two ways to ask that question: the minimizing way and the maximizing way. The minimizing way asks, “How much must I do?”...
Aug 15, 2017 | Stewardship
Several years ago, prior to pledge Sunday, the conversation in our home turned to tithing. We always gave to the church and other charities, but never made a conscious effort to tithe. The longer our conversation continued, the more “yes, but’s” I heard myself saying...
Aug 8, 2017 | Stewardship
The words “To whom much is given, much is expected,” is pretty much how I look at life. I have many blessings in my life. God has been extremely good to me, so how do I give? First and foremost, I give my time and my financial support to our church. It is...