What Tithing Means to Me

Lessons from our childhood linger throughout our lives. I grew up in the home of a minister who taught church administration at a Baptist seminary. Tithing was an expected part of our family finances. As a child, when I earned money from cutting grass and from my...

Why I Give as I Do

It’s not the only reason, but certainly one of the reasons I give as I do is because of the Board of Missions. This summer I was fortunate to go on three church mission trips. Twenty-three of us went to Camp Alkulana on May 20. Eleven went to Nickelsville, VA from...

The Excitement & Freedom of Faithful Stewardship

Stewardship, more than mere giving, is about asking the question, “How is my life to be lived if I am to live my life in God’s service?” There are two ways to ask that question: the minimizing way and the maximizing way. The minimizing way asks, “How much must I do?”...

Give Tithing a Chance

Several years ago, prior to pledge Sunday, the conversation in our home turned to tithing. We always gave to the church and other charities, but never made a conscious effort to tithe. The longer our conversation continued, the more “yes, but’s” I heard myself saying...

“To Whom Much is Given, Much is Expected”

The words “To whom much is given, much is expected,” is pretty much how I look at life. I have many blessings in my life. God has been extremely good to me, so how do I give? First and foremost, I give my time and my financial support to our church. It is...