Nickelsville Mission Trip 2020 Update — 4 Slots Remaining

Nickelsville Mission Trip 2020 Update — 4 Slots Remaining

Hands and Hearts: Nickelsville Mission Trip Where: Nickelsville, VA, Scott County Partnering with Southwest Virginia Partnership, Inc. When: April 26-May 1, 2020, Sunday through Friday. Leaving after worship on Sunday, April 26. Questions? Contact Laura Lee Chandler...
First Sunday Food Share — March 1, 2020

First Sunday Food Share — March 1, 2020

First Sunday Food Share Sunday, March 1, 2020 River Road Church has a long history of working in many capacities with our three Baptist Centers: Church Hill, Oregon Hill, and South Richmond. We have donated food and other needed items, and we have gone to the centers...

We are a Church on Mission

Going and Giving with Joy Because we are blessedBecause we are gratefulBecause we hope to express our love to God by caring about what God cares about Annual Budget: $203,000 These ministries are partners in the pursuit of God’s kingdom here on earth:sharing the Good...
Rise Against Hunger Meal Packing Event

Rise Against Hunger Meal Packing Event

Saturday, March 14, 2020 9:00-11:00 a.m., Fellowship Hall (Formerly Stop Hunger Now) We will be packaging at least 12,000 nutritiously sound meals for distribution through the Rise Against Hunger network. The meals we packaged in October were sent to Rise Against...
WMU Connectors February Meeting

WMU Connectors February Meeting

Friends Helping Friends Tuesday, February 18, 2020 6:30 p.m., Brio Tuscan Grille (Stony Point) Connectors is open to all women and you’re invited. Bring a friend! RSVP to Ray Nelson at River Road Church WMU Connectors is a group of women who...
CARITAS Bridge Week February 7-15, 2020

CARITAS Bridge Week February 7-15, 2020

During this great evolution of CARITAS, our church will be providing a large dinner the night of Feb 8th and lunches for all the men in emergency shelter the week of February 7-15. CARITAS calls this a Bridge Week. There are many different opportunities to help with...