Camp Alkulana Work Day Saturday, June 4, 2022 7:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m., Camp Alkulana This work day is intended to help Camp Alkulana prepare for their summer season by cleaning, repairing, and performing routine maintenance. If you have any questions, please contact Bill...
First Sunday Food Share Donations for the Richmond Baptist Centers Donation Drop Off Sunday, June 5, 2022 Lower Commons Please note: designated volunteers will not be at the Lower Commons entrance to collect your donations. Please drop your groceries off in the green...
Saturday, May 21, 2022 9:00-11:00 a.m., Fellowship Hall (Formerly Stop Hunger Now) We will be packaging 12,000 nutritiously sound meals for distribution through the Rise Against Hunger network. Meals we packaged in October 2019 were sent to Rise Against Hunger’s...
First Sunday Food Share Donations for the Richmond Baptist Centers Donation Drop Off Sunday, May 1, 2022 Lower Commons New this month: designated volunteers will not be at the Lower Commons entrance to collect your donations. Please drop your groceries off in the...
CBF Season of Prayer and Global Missions Offering Because Presence Matters (Luke 24:13-25) April 2022 RRCB Goal: $10,000 The mission God gave us to share the Gospel in word and deed has never been more important than it is now. When you give to the...
Renew Crew Ramp Building project:HOMES Saturday, April 9, 2022 We are looking forward to being back in action with project:HOMES/Renew Crew to build a wheelchair ramp on Saturday, April 9. We have a few volunteers already, and could use a few more. If you would like...