A Special Green Sanctuary

Each summer, and often in spring and fall as well, for about twenty years, my family and I turned to the mountains of Virginia for rest, relaxation, and learning about nature with the wonderful forest rangers and guides in Shenandoah National Park. We stayed in a...

Sharing Our Faith

“I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.” Philemon 1:6 NIV Those glimpsed faith moments of a special presence, a nudge, or a deep knowing of a spiritual truth are very...


At the beginning of my sophomore year in high school, my father announced that he was going to seminary to become a minister. Everyone, including my family, was stunned. Our family knew the dairy business. We lived on a 1,000-acre farm with 500 milk cows. My father...

His Presence

While reading The Friendship Class lesson on Luke’s account of the Resurrection for this Easter Sunday morning, it called to mind an epiphany moment that happened to me Saturday, 26 May 2007. That Saturday evening our weekly Adult Bible Study Group was finishing up a...


It was early morning in 2005 on the beach. I was fishing for sunrise photo-subjects at Nags Head, NC. Just after daybreak, some expert fishermen appeared overhead. As they began their daily commute and trawling routines for substance, I was captured by the stunning...

Michael's Tune

I have commented in previous articles how the event of polio in history has entered my life when I least expected it. Last October 30, 1998, the Rochester Cathedral Choir from Rochester England performed a concert at my church. An information sheet was provided...