Jun 26, 2012 | Glimpses of Faith
[easyrotator]erc_9_1348018885[/easyrotator] “The paintings in my exhibition ‘Faces of a Changing World’ are Chinese characters with integrated portraits of people I have met during my travels. The characters are about peace, hope, love, joy, pain and...
Jun 19, 2012 | Glimpses of Faith
May 20th was Youth Sunday. University of Pittsburg (where Jonas Salk developed the Salk polio vaccine) graduate Dexter Gulick preached a thought provoking sermon on “The Light Within You” and the Youth Choir sang two anthems, one being “Amazing Grace” and the other...
Jun 12, 2012 | Glimpses of Faith
A Celtic definition of “Thin Places” has been passed down over time. They are places where the veil, which separates the physical world from the spiritual world, becomes very thin. Thin Places somehow help us sense spiritual presence. This veil definition may have...
Jun 5, 2012 | Glimpses of Faith
I can recall several experiences which have been deeply spiritual for me. One of these came when I was a young man camping in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. I remember one night sitting by my camp fire on that mountaintop where I had spent the weekend seeking...
May 29, 2012 | Glimpses of Faith |
Although George grew up in Appalachia and attended church there, he never used God talk. He never really discussed what his beliefs were nor did he try to influence what others believed. He simply lived his religion as a husband, as a father, as a neighbor, and as a...
May 22, 2012 | Glimpses of Faith |
I am currently earning my Master’s Degree in Social Work. This past year was spent studying hard, writing papers, and interning a few days each week at the Fan Free Clinic. My patients were all HIV positive and they had unique perspectives on their lives and their...