Day Eight: Where do you find peace this season?

Day Eight: Where do you find peace this season?

Advent Devotions 2017 Day Eight Peace December 10, 2017 Where do you find peace this season? The concept of me writing an Advent devotion for others to use seemed crazy. It is no surprise to anyone in my house that there are times I would be perfectly fine skipping...
Day Seven: My Peace I Give to You

Day Seven: My Peace I Give to You

Advent Devotions 2017 Day Seven Peace December 9, 2017 My Peace I Give to You John 16:33 I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world, you face persecution. But take courage; I have conquered the world! John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my...
Day Six: Let There Be Peace on Earth

Day Six: Let There Be Peace on Earth

Advent Devotions 2017 Day Six Peace December 8, 2017 Let There Be Peace on Earth Isaiah 2:1-5 Recently, Ken Burns’ PBS special on the Vietnam War brought into our homes the horrors of war with its gruesome cost in human life, national strife, and political upheaval....
Day Five: Christmas: A Time of Hope

Day Five: Christmas: A Time of Hope

Advent Devotions 2017 Day Five Hope December 7, 2017 Christmas: A Time of Hope “But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid: for see—I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people.’” Luke 2:10 In the Christmas season, let us remember that when life...
Day Four: Believing in Hope

Day Four: Believing in Hope

Advent Devotions 2017 Day Four Hope December 6, 2017 Believing in Hope I recently made a trip to Macy’s in search of “just the right Christmas gift.” As I entered the store, plastered in big red letters for all to see, was one simple word: Believe. WOW, what a...
Day Three: Assurance of Things Hoped For

Day Three: Assurance of Things Hoped For

Advent Devotions 2017 Day Three Hope December 5, 2017 Assurance of Things Hoped For Hebrews 11:1 If we were looking for things that suppress hope, we would not have to look far. Religious and political preachers of hate are coming out of the woodwork. Terrorists,...