Catacombs Lectures

Sundays, August 5 – September 2 9:45 a.m., Chapel Hall August 5 “Atonement” by Rob James August 12 “The Trinity” by Beth Newman August 19 “Heaven” by Bill Tuck August 26 “Mormonism” by Dr. Terryl Givens of the...

Adult Sunday School Pulse Check

  Wednesday, August 1 at 7:45 p.m. in the Parlor The adult sub-committee of the Board of Education and Spiritual Formation invites you to an “Adult Sunday School Pulse Check.” Sunday School class leaders, teachers, and anyone interested are invited to...

Dinner & A Movie

Please join the Board of Deacons as they host a cookout and potluck dinner, Sunday, August 26, at 5:00pm. Dinner will be followed by a screening of the movie, “The Help,” hosted by the Board of Christian Education and Spiritual Formation.  You may attend...

Vacation Bible School

VBS was a great success!  Thanks to all the volunteers who gave of their time to share with 120 children the promises of God. Parents, we are putting together some pictures from the week that will be available to you online.  Check your email for a special private...

June 2012 Time, Talents, and Resources

In June our Church hosted the following Time and Talents: Art Exhibit by Bob Harper Stephen Ministry Dad’s Day at the Diamond Knit Wits FIXERS Wednesday night Vesper Services Passport Kids Youth Recreation River Roadsters  Resources: Please read Mike...

Toiletries Drive a Great Success

Re: ISH Toiletries Drive From: Nancy Brown and Board of Missions Thank you for your help and support for the ISH Toiletries Drive! This summary represents the items left on the Missions’ Tables by individual church members as well as those purchased from the $100...