Oct 26, 2012 | Announcements, Missions
for the Fluvanna Correctional Center for Women October 28 – November 18 Christmas cards in particular, but note cards, birthday, or any other miscellaneous cards are now being collected. Cards can be left on the Missions Tables in the Upper and Lower Commons...
Oct 24, 2012 | Announcements, Thoughtful Faith Community
Full programs resume November 7. Have a safe and happy Halloween!
Oct 21, 2012 | Announcements
Originally read during Worship on Sunday, October 21. All of my life I have been in church. Being the daughter of a Baptist minister I didn’t have much of a choice to opt out when it came to church activity. We regularly attended church on Sunday mornings for Sunday...
Oct 19, 2012 | Announcements, Missions
for Sioux Indians at Standing Rock October 14 – November 7 New and gently used winter coats for children and adults needed. Volunteers will be traveling to the Reservation over Thanksgiving to take the donations. Coats may be left in a large box under the...
Oct 19, 2012 | Announcements, Missions
for Oregon Hill Baptist Center October 14 – November 11 The Board of Missions and WMU are once again sponsoring Thanksgiving Dinner Boxes that will be distributed by Community Missionary Jennifer Turner through the Oregon Hill Baptist Center. Boxes will be...
Oct 12, 2012 | Announcements
Dear Members, Every October we put emphasis on our financial stewardship. It is October, and this is the letter you have come to anticipate. Let me answer two questions someone asks me every year. First, why should I give to River Road Church? The most obvious reason...