Nov 21, 2012 | Announcements
Standing reservations for Wednesday Dinners are now available for the spring. These reservations are only available as a pre-paid option. This means that the nineteen Wednesdays from January through May must be pre-paid in order to have a “standing reservation.” The...
Nov 21, 2012 | Announcements
Sundays, December 2 – 16 12:15 p.m., Upper Commons Anyone wishing to contribute altar flowers for a Sunday should see Betsy Lowery (804-338-4604). The cost is $85.
Nov 14, 2012 | Announcements
The Stephen Ministry is a lay ministry of love and commitment. Like Stephen, the Apostle of the early Christian church, sent to minister to the needy, Stephen Ministers are lay people at our church trained to listen and provide care to those with ongoing needs. River...
Nov 9, 2012 | Announcements, Missions |
We would like to say “thank you” for our wonderful October CARITAS of 40 women! Everything went very well! One of the best things was the first annual pillow case ministry started by Anita McAllister. Each guest received a handmade pillow case and was able...
Nov 5, 2012 | Announcements, Missions
Virginia Baptists grieve with those people who are suffering from the effects of Hurricane Sandy. River Road Church’s Endowment Board has responded with a $5,000.00 contribution to the Virginia Baptist Mission Board Disaster Relief Fund to aid victims of the...
Nov 1, 2012 | Announcements
October 30 – November 27 Lower Commons The Arts Committee would like to invite you to view our fall exhibit. This exhibit will have two parts. The first part (October 30 – November 12) will be Fiber Arts, focusing on tatting, knitting, quilting, cross...