Feb 28, 2013 | Announcements, Events
March 2-17 Lower Commons The paintings on display will be those of class participants from Session 3 and Session 4. You are encouraged to stop by and take a look at what these artists have accomplished during the six classes that make up each session. They are very...
Feb 26, 2013 | Announcements, Events
Sunday, March 17 12:30 p.m., Reception Room This meeting is for parents of third through fifth graders who may be interested in attending camp this summer. The meeting is an opportunity to learn more, express any questions or concerns, and sign up. Medical release...
Feb 4, 2013 | Announcements
The Stephen Ministers are once again inviting folks who are interested in being trained as Stephen Ministers through River Road Church to call or write Dan Bagby (804-288-1131) or Joyce Gibson (804-740-4396) for questions and signing up for the sessions. The training...
Jan 31, 2013 | Announcements, Pastor's Blog |
This is the text of “The State of the Church” address given by the pastor at the annual business meeting of River Road Church, Baptist on the evening of January 30, 2013. THE STATE OF THE CHURCH—January 30, 2013 A couple of months ago I met with a subcommittee of the...
Jan 29, 2013 | Announcements
Easter: Sunday, March 31 Deadline: Sunday, March 10 Our Sanctuary will be adorned with traditional lilies on Easter Sunday, March 31. You may purchase lilies in memory or honor of a loved one for $11.00 per lily. Specially marked envelopes are in the pews during...
Jan 29, 2013 | Announcements
Watercolor Exhibit Spring 2013 Lower Commons The Arts Committee is planning for a watercolor exhibit this spring. If you are interested, please contact DeAnne Shelton for information on submitting your pieces. If you are interested in submitting work, you may...