Oct 9, 2013 | Announcements
Veterans Day will be observed on Friday, November 11, 2016. As was done last year, Dean Decker will assist in leading a program on Wednesday, November 9, 2016, recognizing those in our church family who have served our country through military service. Over the years...
Sep 30, 2013 | Announcements
This is a survey for parents with preschool-aged children who are members of River Road Church, Baptist. Dear Parents, River Road Church Preschool Committee is looking to see what are the needs of parentswith preschool children. A brief survey has been designed to...
Sep 12, 2013 | Announcements
In the book of Genesis, God appoints humans to till the ground. Another translation of the Hebrew word “till” is “to serve.” God asks us to serve the earth, to be good stewards of God’s beautiful creation. A Care for Creation group is in the beginning stages of...
Sep 4, 2013 | Announcements, Missions
We will be hosting 40 men How can you help? Preparing Bag Lunches – You assemble the lunches in our Church Kitchen and the food is provided. (Time is flexible) Making Dinners – We will pair you up with other church members who also want to help in this...
Aug 29, 2013 | Announcements
Growing up in SC, what I remember about my teachers at church is that they were there. I’m not sure I can recall one lesson that they taught me. Adults’ presence in the lives of our children is so important. We are excited about the start of our regular Wednesday...
Aug 8, 2013 | Announcements, Thoughtful Faith Community
Pre-register for Wednesday Night Dinners Now and Save! Standing reservations for Wednesday Dinners are now available for the fall. These reservations are only available as a pre-paid option. This means that the 15 Wednesdays from September through December must be...