Nov 7, 2013 | Announcements, Events
Sunday, November 17 7:00 p.m., Assembly Room The Finance Committee will be holding a discussion during the November Board of Administration meeting. The purpose is to review the results of the planning meeting held this summer to forecast church finances over the next...
Oct 30, 2013 | Announcements
Sundays, November 10, 17, 24, & December 1 12:15 p.m., Fellowship Hall The 2014 Flower Calendar will be in the Fellowship Hall during the reception following worship. Anyone wishing to contribute altar flowers for a Sunday should see Betsy Lowery (804-338-4604)....
Oct 29, 2013 | Announcements, Missions
Deadline: Sunday, November 17 Contribute cards, stationary, and writing supplies for Fluvanna Women’s Correctional Center. Please help women in prison stay in touch with their families. The cards may be for Christmas or other occasions. Please leave your donations on...
Oct 24, 2013 | Announcements
November 2-17 Lower Commons The Arts Committee invites you to enjoy paintings by Louise Hoffman Gallagher. Louise is married to Bob Gallagher, our Minister of Music. Louise Hoffman Gallagher Biography Louise Hoffman Gallagher was born in Ithan-Villanova, Pennsylvania....
Oct 23, 2013 | Announcements, Missions
for Oregon Hill Baptist Center Deadline: Sunday, November 17 The Board of Missions and WMU are sponsoring Thanksgiving Dinner Boxes that will be distributed through the Oregon Hill Baptist Center. Boxes will be provided to each Sunday School Class asking for them to...
Oct 10, 2013 | Announcements
The RRCB basketball team begins play next month and we are recruiting players now. The season begins in mid November with games played weekly, either Tuesday or Thursday nights, at Byrd Middle School. Sign ups are due on October 18th. Please contact Austin Clark...