FaithLink: Chronic Illness

Topic for February 16, 2014 Nearly one in two Americans has a chronic health condition. The vast majority of these conditions have no visible signs of illness or use of assistive devices. How can people of faith support those who deal with ongoing pain or disease?...

Successful Souper Bowl!

On Sunday, February 2, the youth collected donations for the Souper Bowl (this is the correct spelling). The idea is to make a concerted effort in helping to feed the hungry on the same day that millions of people watch the Super Bowl, enjoying the satisfaction of...

FaithLink: The Challenges of Homelessness

Topic for February 9, 2014 Many of us are not aware of the daily challenges faced by people who live without homes. Who are the homeless, and what are these challenges? What can individual Christians and churches do to support and be in ministry with those who are...

Lenten Devotions and Creative Expressions

We are looking to expand the format of the Lenten devotional series this year.  In addition to the “traditional” format of taking a scripture passage and writing a short meditative thought, we hope to include music, art, and poetry.  We are welcoming...

FaithLink: End-of-Life Medical Treatment

Topic for February 2, 2014 The tragic case of Jahi McMath has renewed public attention to complicated questions about the end of life. What defines death? What measures should medical science take to sustain life? How does Christian faith guide us as we face these...