FaithLink: Water Crises

Topic for March 2, 2014 The recent report of chemical contamination of the water supply in West Virginia raises issues about water in the United States and all over the world. What are these issues? What can we do to make sure that access to safe water is available...

Easter Lilies

Easter: Sunday, April 20 Deadline: Sunday, April 6 Our Sanctuary will be adorned with traditional lilies on Easter Sunday, April 20. You may purchase lilies in memory or honor of a loved one for $11.00 per lily. Specially marked envelopes are in the pews during...

FaithLink: Fast Food

Topic for February 23, 2014 Increasing concern over fat and calories in fast foods has led to healthier options in many fast- food restaurants. How can we make choices that contribute to our good health? How can our faith help us as we make healthier decisions about...

Deacon Online Sign-Up

A pdf of the following information, Deacon Online Sign Up Instructions 2014, is also available. Step 1: Sign Up for Access ACS Access ACS is a password protected area that can be accessed with the following link:...

Church Closed Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Church Office is closed and all activities at the church are cancelled on Thursday, February 13, 2014: 8:00 a.m.: FIXERS 10:00 a.m.:  Job Support Group 5:45 p.m.:  Yoga 7:30 p.m.:  Chancel Choir If there are any other activities that are not scheduled with the...

All Wednesday Activities are Cancelled

The following activities are cancelled on Wednesday, February 12, 2014: 5:30 p.m.: Wednesday Night Dinner 6:00 p.m.: Children & Youth Caroling to Shut-ins 6:30 p.m.: Winter Bible Study & Chancel Bell Choir If there are any other activities that are not...