Volunteer Opportunity: Teller

First Sunday Teller Needed Sundays, 12:00-1:00 p.m. The Tellers Committee is in need of a teller for the first Sunday of the month to count money after church. Counting usually takes 45 minutes to one hour. The Deacons supply snacks from the coffee receptions. No...

Board of Administration Monthly Email

To keep the membership informed of its efforts on behalf of the congregation, beginning January 2015, the Board of Administration will provide PDF copies of approved minutes to those members opting in to this email communication. To opt in, please fill out the form by...

College Care Packages

On Wednesday, December 3, the youth will be putting together college care packages for those folks currently in college. This small act lets them know of our continued care and concern for them during this stressful time of taking exams. We would like to ask you to...

FaithLink: The Ebola Crisis

Topic for November 16, 2014 News reports say that the Ebola outbreak in West Africa is the worst in history. What is Ebola? What are the effects of the outbreak? How can churches reach out to help those who are suffering because of this deadly disease? FaithLink is a...

Church Christmas Decorating

Outside Decorations Friday, December 5, 9:00 a.m. Sanctuary Decorations Friday, December 12, 9:00 a.m. We welcome all volunteers who would like to help with Christmas decorating. The outside of the church will be decorated on December 5, and the Sanctuary will be...

Prison Ministry – Cards & Writing Supplies

Deadline: Sunday, November 16 Contribute cards, stationary, writing supplies, and stamps for Fluvanna Women’s Correctional Center. Please help women in prison stay in touch with their families. The cards may be for Christmas or other occasions. Please leave your...