Resources for Parents to Help with the Season of Advent

What a wonderful time we had at our ADVENT-ure lunch – for children and families for a time of fellowship and learning more about this season of preparation we call Advent. We had over 80 people to attend. Many, many thanks to all the folks who helped to make...

FaithLink: Advent and Growing in Faith

Topic for December 7, 2014 While we are currently in the church season of Advent, many Christians overlook opportunities to learn from and celebrate the season because we are busily preparing for Christmas celebrations. What is Advent? What can we learn by paying...

2014 Advent Devotions Coming Soon!

Our Advent Devotions for 2014 are coming soon!  Beginning on November 30 (the first Sunday in Advent) a new devotion will be posted daily online. Included with each devotion is a seasonal piece of art created by the children of our Church (the art is exclusively...

FaithLink: Diabetes

Topic for November 30, 2014 November is American Diabetes Month. What is diabetes? How does it affect people who live with and manage the disease on a daily basis? How can the faith community be more informed about diabetes and support those living with it? FaithLink...