Youth Mission Trip Encourager

If you are willing to be an “Encourager” for the youth mission trip (June 21-26, 2015), which involves making some goodies for a participant; writing a note of encouragement (prayer, scripture, your own words); and praying for that individual, please contact Michael...

FaithLink for May 17: Electronic Cigarettes

Many believe that smoking electronic cigarettes is safer than smoking traditional tobacco cigarettes. What are e-cigarettes? What are the possible risks and benefits of using them? How can our faith guide us as we consider the use of e-cigarettes? FaithLink is a...

VBS Volunteers 2015

Vacation Bible School: July 13-17, 2015 Please consider volunteering for VBS, even if it is only for one day. Without the help of volunteers, we would not be able to have a successful VBS week. If you are interested in volunteering, please the list of opportunities...

FaithLink for May 10: Mother’s Day

On May 10, many churches will celebrate Mother’s Day. What is the history of this day? How does its history inform our understanding of the role of mothers? How can people of faith support mothers as they seek to raise their children? FaithLink is a Sunday School...

Graduating Class of 2015

Our 2015 graduates will be recognized on Sunday, May 31. If you or your child are graduating from High School, College, Graduate School, or Technical School and would like to share it with the congregation, please fill out the form below with the information below by...

Food Trucks 2015

Wednesdays, May 27 – July 15 5:30-8:00 p.m., North Parking Lot Five food trucks will set up shop in the North Parking Lot and these local vendors will sell sliders, tacos, barbecue, hot dogs, Asian cuisine, ice cream, and more (varying from week-to-week) to...