2016 Flower Calendar – Remaining Dates

May 1, May 22, May 29, July 24, October 2, October 16, October 23, and October 30 Anyone wishing to contribute altar flowers for an above Sunday should contact Betsy Lowery (804-338-4604). The cost is $85.

Business Meeting

Sunday, April 24 12:15 p.m., Fellowship Hall The April business meeting will be held immediately following worship. We need a quorum of 100 to conduct the business of the church. At the January, 2016 regular business meeting, the following was proposed as an amendment...

FaithLink for April 3: Digital Security and Privacy

Apple and the FBI’s current legal battle over encrypted iPhone data raises questions about security and privacy in the digital age. What tensions between national security and personal liberty emerge from this case? How will Christians contribute to the conversations...

FaithLink for March 27: The Risen Christ

The movie Risen explores the resurrection of Jesus through the eyes of a Roman soldier who is a nonbeliever. What questions does the film raise? How does our faith guide us as we explore our beliefs about the risen Christ? FaithLink is a Sunday School class that meets...

Decorating for Easter

Friday, March 25 9:00 a.m., Sanctuary We welcome all volunteers who would like to help with decorating the sanctuary for Easter. Please call Margaret Almond (804-282-3235) or Julia Tyler (804-730-4243) if you are able to help.