Aug 18, 2016 | Announcements
Please select the choir you wish to register for. Please fill out the forms completely. Examples: Correct: Bob Gallagher Incorrect: bob gallagher, BOB GALLAGHER Correct: 804-288-1131 Incorrect: 8042881131, 288-1131, 2881131, etc. Contact Bob Gallagher by email...
Aug 4, 2016 | Announcements
When we were young, time seemed to stand still or at best to crawl. Birthdays were marked at the half-way point when as children we told people we were 6 and ½ or 12 and ½ to indicate we were nearing a milestone. Christmas seemed forever away. School would never...
Jul 27, 2016 | Announcements
Wednesday, August 10 5:45 p.m., Chapel Hall Are you an Adult Sunday School leader or teacher? Are you a small group or Sunday School participant? Are you interested in new study materials, books, or curriculum to dig deeper in your faith journey in small groups? Come...
Jul 19, 2016 | Announcements
House churches have been vital to worshiping communities of Christians since the beginning. What are house churches? What role do house churches play in making disciples and spreading the gospel? FaithLink is a Sunday School class that meets at 9:45 a.m. in LC...
Jul 14, 2016 | Announcements
Tuesday, July 26 5:30 p.m., Reception Room At the end of June, the Endowment Board announced that it had engaged Horizons Stewardship and Dr. Tom Melzoni to consult with it about how best to provide the opportunity for members to support the church through their...
Jul 12, 2016 | Announcements
The killing of 49 people at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida, has been described as the deadliest mass shooting in modern US history, the worst terror incident since 9/11, and an attack aimed at persons who identify as LGBTQ. In a culture where violence, hatred, and...