Adult Wednesday Night Program –
February 27, Adult Assembly Room
Led by Dr. Dan Bagby
This program will identify options for aging loved ones shifting into increased, required care. This will include home care, assisted living, institutional care, boundary care for loved ones and caregivers, and the resources available in the community for those making decisions and choices in the care of loved ones.
Regular Wednesday Schedule
5:15 p.m. Children’s dinner line opens
5:30 p.m. Adult dinner line opens
6:00 p.m. Children’s Choirs
– Cherub Choir, Preschool Area
– Carol Choir, Youth Choir Room
– Crusader Choir, Main Choir Room
6:00 p.m. Youth Group, Youth Area
6:30 p.m. Adult Program, Fellowship Hall or Adult Classroom
6:30 p.m. Chancel Bell Choir, Bell Room
6:45 p.m. Mission Kids, Children’s Area
7:00 p.m. Youth Choir Make-up, Music Suite
Make your dinner reservations by Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. You may contact the Church Office, email Susan Young, or place a reservation card in the offering plate.