Sunday, August 3
12:15 p.m., Fellowship Hall

business meeting

Resolution to be considered by River Road Church, Baptist at a meeting of members called by the Board of Trustees.

Whereas, the Congregation, in a prior business session, approved a Capital Campaign to fund the renovation of the sanctuary organ, projected at $1,100,000 and sanctuary lighting and sound, projected at $400,000; and

Whereas, a successful Capital Campaign has raised commitments of over $2,000,000; and

Whereas, implementation of these projects will involve multiple vendor contracts, with those involving expenditures in excess of $50,000 requiring approval by the Congregation; and

Whereas, an agreement in principle has been negotiated by the appropriate council and committees of the Church with Houghton Company, Inc. for construction and installation of the organ console for approximately $271,000, but details have not yet been reduced to written contract form; and

Whereas, pre-approval of a contract for this work by the Congregation will promote the time table of the Church for completion of this and the other parts of the renovation project contemplated.

Resolved, that the Congregation of River Road Church, Baptist:

  1. Approves the expenditure of $271,000, plus any additional sums which the Finance Committee and the Board of Administration may deem necessary up to the $50,000 limit provided the Board of Administration by the Church’s by-laws, for construction and installation of the organ console by Houghton Company, Inc.
  2. Authorizes the Chair of the Board of Administration, or if he is unavailable, the Vice-Chair of the Board, to execute the contract related to this project.
  3. Requires that implementation of the above may only occur when the following conditions are met:
    • The Building and Property Council has negotiated the written contract for this project;
    • The Finance Committee has approved the expenditure of the funds required by the contract;
    • The Board of Administration has approved such contract and expenditure of funds.
  4. Directs that oversight of the project be performed by the Building and Property Council, with the assistance of Dr. Robert Gallagher.