
FaithLink for June 7: Accessibility

For people who live with a disabling condition, accessibility is important for routine functioning in life. What issues and concerns are related to accessibility? How can Christians become more aware of such issues and support those who need better accessibility?...

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Children & Youth Ministries Summer 2015

Food Trucks Wednesdays, May 27 - September 2 5:30-8:00 p.m., North Parking Lot PASSPORTkids! Camp Informational Meeting Sunday, June 7 12:15 p.m., Chapel Hall Youth Summer Trips Informational Meeting Sunday, June 7 Time TBA, Youth Area PASSPORTkids! Camp June 17-20...

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FaithLink for May 24: Update on Drones

The use of drones as weapons and for other purposes continues to raise concerns. What are these concerns? How does Christian faith inform us as we consider the use of drones? FaithLink is a Sunday School class that meets at 9:30 a.m. in LC #104. Sheryl Johnson is...

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Youth Mission Trip Encourager

If you are willing to be an “Encourager” for the youth mission trip (June 21-26, 2015), which involves making some goodies for a participant; writing a note of encouragement (prayer, scripture, your own words); and praying for that individual, please contact Michael...

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FaithLink for May 17: Electronic Cigarettes

Many believe that smoking electronic cigarettes is safer than smoking traditional tobacco cigarettes. What are e-cigarettes? What are the possible risks and benefits of using them? How can our faith guide us as we consider the use of e-cigarettes? FaithLink is a...

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VBS Volunteers 2015

Vacation Bible School: July 13-17, 2015 Please consider volunteering for VBS, even if it is only for one day. Without the help of volunteers, we would not be able to have a successful VBS week. If you are interested in volunteering, please the list of opportunities...

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FaithLink for May 10: Mother’s Day

On May 10, many churches will celebrate Mother’s Day. What is the history of this day? How does its history inform our understanding of the role of mothers? How can people of faith support mothers as they seek to raise their children? FaithLink is a Sunday School...

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Graduating Class of 2015

Our 2015 graduates will be recognized on Sunday, May 31. If you or your child are graduating from High School, College, Graduate School, or Technical School and would like to share it with the congregation, please fill out the form below with the information below by...

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Think on These Things

Sunday, May 3 6:00 p.m., LC #102 The program will be a review and discussion of Richard Rohr’s book, Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life led by Emily Tuck. Author Brian McLaren summarized the book as “a deeply helpful framework for seeing the...

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FaithLink for April 19: Fraternities

Recent news stories featuring bad behavior by members of college fraternities have brought these organizations under scrutiny. What are the causes of such behavior? How can Christian faith guide us as we encourage fraternities and colleges to nurture positive and...

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Standing Rock 2015 Trip Cancelled

In 2009 and 2010, members of RRCB ventured to North Dakota for mission work with the Standing Rock Sioux Indians through the WMU of Virginia.  Since 2011, RRCB has traveled to Standing Rock the week following the WMU week, to offer extra assistance to Pastor Boots and...

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Easter Decorations – Thank You

Our church was decorated for Easter on April 3 by many volunteers who shared their time and talent. We would like to say thank you to the following people who were a part of this special time: Julia Bouck Jean Cauble Zelda Goode Sid Hays Patsy & Frank Kendall...

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Think on These Things

"Should Meetings of Governmental Bodies Begin with Prayer?" Sunday, April 12 6:00 p.m., LC #102 Led by Ellis West Following the Apostle Paul’s admonition to “think on these things” (Whatever is noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable and praiseworthy), the Board of...

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FaithLink for April 5: Easter (No Class)

FaithLink will not meet on Sunday, April 5. The class will reconvene on April 12, 2015. Easter Worship Services are at 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. FaithLink is a Sunday School class that meets at 9:30 a.m. in LC #104. Sheryl Johnson is leading the class. Topics for each...

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Easter Egg Hunt 2015

On Palm Sunday we held our annual Easter Egg Hunt for children. There were over 850 eggs hidden between the Courtyard and Front Plaza. Click on an image below to to enlarge the pictures. You can use your arrow keys to look through the whole gallery. [gallery...

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2015 Softball Schedule

Cheer on the RRCB Softball Team on Tuesday nights at Moody Middle School, Short Pump Park, Laurel Softball Field, or Glen Allen Complex! Every week is a double-header. Please contact Chris Wilkinson if you're interested in joining the co-ed team. Tuesday, April 14...

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FaithLink for March 29: Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday celebrates Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. How did the people who witnessed his entry understand what they saw and heard? How do we understand this event today, and how does remembering it enhance our faith? FaithLink is a Sunday School class that meets at...

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Volunteer Opportunity: First Sunday Bus Driver

Bus Driver Starting in August 2015 Brian Ezzelle is retiring from the Transportation Committee in August 2015 after more than six years. The committee is in need of a bus driver for the first Sunday of every month beginning in August 2015. No CDL required. Training...

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Columbarium Memory Book

Deadline: May 31 If you have a loved one inurned or buried in the Columbarium, you have an opportunity to memorialize him or her with a page in the Memory Book located in the Narthex of the Chapel. The biography should be fairly short, 200 words, maximum, and will be...

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Decorating for Easter

Friday, April 3 9:00 a.m., Sanctuary We welcome all volunteers who would like to help with decorating the sanctuary for Easter. Please call Margaret Almond (804-282-3235) or Julia Tyler (804-730- 4243) if you are able to help.

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Join the 2015 Softball Team

The church will have a softball team in the Western Henrico Church Softball League again this year. Click here for this year's schedule. This is a coed team. Games are on Tuesday nights at Moody Middle School, Short Pump Park, Laurel Softball Field, or Glen Allen...

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FaithLink March 8: Measles and Vaccines

The current outbreak of measles in the United States has refocused attention on the proven health benefits of vaccines. What issues surround vaccination? How does Christian faith inform our response? FaithLink is a Sunday School class that meets at 9:30 a.m. in LC...

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FaithLink March 1: A Culture of Prayer

The World Day of Prayer on March 6, 2015, reminds us that prayer is a vital practice of Christian faith. How does cultivating a culture of prayer lead to more vital congregations? How can we deepen and enhance our practice of prayer? FaithLink is a Sunday School class...

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Think on These Things

"Death with Dignity" Sunday, March 8 6:00 p.m., LC #102 Led by Bill Tuck In March, we will explore types of elective death with various examples of dying persons. And will explore the question: “Does the notion of ‘death with dignity’ (euthanasia) have any supportable...

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