Pastor Retirement Celebration Gifts
The celebration of Mike Clingenpeel’s retirement as our Pastor culminated with a reception on November 22 in which gifts were given to him and Vivian and the church was presented with a portrait of Mike. The portrait was a gift of the Endowment Fund and will hang in...
FaithLink for November 29: Advent: A Season of Blessings
On this first Sunday of Advent, when many people are rushing headlong into preparations for Christmas, it’s easy to overlook the blessings of the season. What are these blessings, and how can we recognize them? How does our faith call us to receive these blessings...
Church Christmas Decorating
Outside Decorations Thursday, December 3, 9:00 a.m. Sanctuary Decorations Friday, December 11, 9:00 a.m. We welcome all volunteers who would like to help with Christmas decorating. The outside of the church will be decorated on December 3, and the Sanctuary will be...
FaithLink for November 22: Eating Disorders
In the United States, up to 30 million people of all ages and genders have an eating disorder. What are eating disorders, and why are they dangerous? How can Christians offer support, healing, and hope for those who live with them? FaithLink is a Sunday School class...
2016 Flower Calendar Sign Up
Sundays, December 6-20 Anyone wishing to contribute altar flowers for a Sunday should see Betsy Lowery (804-338-4604) in the Upper Commons following worship on the above dates. The cost is $85.
College Care Packages
On Wednesday, December 2, the youth, children, and families will be putting together college care packages for those folks currently in post secondary school. This small act lets them know of our continued care and concern for them during this stressful time of taking...
FaithLink for November 15: Welcoming the Outsider
In a culture where shootings and violence are all too frequent, Christians are called to welcome outsiders. What are the risks and benefits of fulfilling the call to love others? What is the role of the church in helping ourselves and outsiders experience the healing...
Business Meeting
Sunday, November 15 at 12:15 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall
FaithLink for November 8: Gun Regulation
The horrific shootings this year that killed so many people in schools and in a church have renewed debate around gun regulation. What are the issues? How can Christian faith guide us in our conversations about these issues as we seek solutions to gun violence?...
FaithLink for November 1: Sustainable Development Goals
The General Assembly of the United Nations has approved 17 goals for sustainable development for nations all over the world. What are the major issues addressed by the goals? How does our faith guide us as we consider what is needed to achieve these goals? FaithLink...
Church Directory Pick Up
Church Directories are now available! Those who got their photos taken for the directory are guaranteed a directory. We do have a limited extra copies for folks who were not able to get their photo taken. They will be given out on a first-come, first-serve basis....
FaithLink for October 25: Pope Francis Visits the United States
In September, Pope Francis made his first visit to the United States. What made his visit so significant? How does the Pope inspire us or challenge us in our Christian faith FaithLink is a Sunday School class that meets at 9:45 a.m. in LC #104. Topics for each session...
What Do You Still Love About River Road Church?
Last year the Stewardship Committee asked many of you, "What do you love about River Road Church?" This year, the committee revisited those answers, and have selected a handful of responses for us to listen to this year. Commitment Sunday is October 25. [video...
Commitment Card Reminder
Commitment Sunday, October 25 You may have already received your commitment card in the mail. Please remember your card is two-sided and to fill out both sides. If you did not receive a commitment card or if you need another one, please contact the church office.
Ministers of River Road Church
Below is the text by Bill Gray, originally read in worship on Sunday, October 11, 2015. In our Stewardship Moment last Sunday, Susan Rucker reminded us of the changes we face as a congregation as our pastor prepares to retire. That started me thinking about the...
FaithLink for October 18: Atheism
In the past decade, the percentage of people who identify as atheist has increased. What is atheism? What can Christians learn from dialogue with atheists? What can such conversations teach us about ways we communicate our faith? FaithLink is a Sunday School class...
Volunteer Opportunity: Teller
Tellers Needed Sundays, 12:00-1:00 p.m. The Tellers Committee is in need of tellers for the each Sunday to count money after church. You can choose the Sunday (first, second, third, fourth) that works best for your schedule. Counting usually takes 45 minutes to one...
FaithLink for October 11: Refugees
Thousands of migrants seeking refuge from war-torn Syria and surrounding countries are making their way to Europe. What hardships do they face? How can the church help these refugees? FaithLink is a Sunday School class that meets at 9:45 a.m. in LC #104. Topics for...
Make a Difference
Below is audio and text by Susan Rucker, originally read in worship on Sunday, October 4, 2015. Recently we discussed the church budget in our Sunday School class. A question was asked that puzzled many of us – What does our church really spend money on? As...
FaithLink for October 4: Food Waste in the United States
Studies show that as much as 40 percent of food in the United States is wasted. Why and how is this food wasted? What are the consequences? How can Christians respond to food waste and work for the just distribution of food? FaithLink is a Sunday School class that...
FaithLink for September 27: Boomers and Retirement
Several recent reports indicate that boomers who are still working don’t expect to retire until they are past 65. What issues are influencing this trend? How can churches support boomers as they continue to make vocational decisions? FaithLink is a Sunday School class...
FaithLink for September 20: Katrina, Ten Years Later
Ten years ago on August 29, Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast. How has the area recovered since the storm? What challenges remain? How does the church continue to support those who suffered through the devastation? FaithLink is a Sunday School class that meets...
Building Clean Up & Disposal
Over the last month, Billy and the building support team have made an effort to go through many of the church's closets, nooks, and crannies clearing out old items. An inventory list has been compiled of items that are going to be given away, first to our church...
CARITAS October 10-17
Find out how you can help as we host 40 men.
Think on These Things
Crisis in African American Families Sunday, October 4 6:00 p.m., LC #102 Frank Kendall will lead a program about his experience with civil rights (particularly education) and our country’s current crisis involving minority families. There is a dramatic situation in...
FaithLink for September 13: Internet Access
Research shows that a significant number of Americans do not access the Internet. Why are so many people not online? What issues and concerns emerge from the lack of Internet access? How can churches develop ministries that address these issues in meaningful and...
Concert Series: Organ Recital – Christoph Bull
Tuesday, September 15, at 7:00 p.m., in the Sanctuary
Register for Choir: 2015-2016 Season
This is an invitation to all River Road children, youth, and adults to sing in a choir.
Fall 2015 Wednesday Night Dinner Standing Reservations
Sign up to have a Standing Reservation for Wednesday Night Dinners. Click for more information.
Mission Footprint 5K 2015 Volunteers
Saturday, September 12 7:30 a.m., Kids Run 8:00 a.m., 5K Trinity United Methodist This fall we are joining Trinity United Methodist Church and Third Church for the Fifth Annual Mission Footprint 5K & Kids Fun Run. If you would like to volunteer (at least 30...
Notice of Special Church Business Meeting to Elect Pastor Search Committee
Sunday, September 13, Following Worship
FaithLink for July 26: Grandparents and Grandchildren
Grandparents have key roles in contributing to the well-being of their grandchildren. What are the roles of grandparents today? How can the church encourage and support grandparents? FaithLink is a Sunday School class that meets at 9:30 a.m. in LC #104. Sheryl Johnson...
FaithLink for July 19: Shooting at Emanuel AME Church
The killing of nine people at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, forces us to look again at persistent racism and hate crimes in our country. This shocking violence also forces us to wrestle with our own feelings of helplessness....
Summer Chancel Choir 2015
Sundays, July 5 - September 6 The Chancel Choir welcomes adults, youth, and children who can learn a simple anthem fairly quickly to join in singing for our worship service. Warm up begins at 10:30 a.m., but anyone who would like more practice is welcome at 10:15 a.m....
Christmas Decorations Workshop
Tuesday, August 18 9:00 a.m., Sanctuary The Christmas adornments for the Sanctuary this year will be assembled now to be hung later. Please bring a glue gun with glue sticks (if you have any) and clippers on Tuesday, August 18 at 9 a.m. If you are available, please...
FaithLink for July 12: Worship and the Christian Life
Worship is a means of grace that contributes to the spiritual health and growth of individuals and communities of faith. What is worship? How does worship inspire and challenge us in our daily Christian lives? FaithLink is a Sunday School class that meets at 9:30 a.m....
FaithLink for June 28: California Drought
The ongoing drought in California is prompting national discussion about how our society uses water. What challenges and opportunities does California’s water shortage present? How does Christian faith shape our response to the drought? FaithLink is a Sunday School...
FaithLink for June 21: Celebrating Father’s Day
On June 21 many people will celebrate Father’s Day in our communities and churches. What are the history and significance of Father’s Day? How can churches support fathers and their roles in families and in society? FaithLink is a Sunday School class that meets at...
Pastoral Transition: A Congregational Conversation
Wednesday, June 17 a 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel
FaithLink for June 14: Freedom, Disagreement, and Christian Faith
Freedom in our country means that many people will express ideas and positions that are very different from ours, especially in the political arena. How does Christian faith guide us through our differences? How do we pray for leaders when we disagree with them?...