2016 Stewardship Testimony by Dan Bagby
Stewardship Testimony November 6, 2016 Commitment Sunday: November 20, 2016
2016 Stewardship Testimony by Bob Gallagher
Stewardship Testimony October 30, 2016 Commitment Sunday: November 20, 2016
Thoughtful Giving: For Such a Time as This
Stewardship Click here for a PDF of the text below. An Overview of River Road Church, Baptist’s Mission Vision in 2017 Our Stewardship Committee, along with other key leaders, has come together and prayed, asking God to give us a vision of how we should minister to...
Stewardship Discovery Report
The Stewardship Discovery Report from this summer's work by Dr. Tom Melzoni and Horizons Stewardship is available by contacting the Church Office. You may request a digital copy or hard copy. The report contains observations, statistical information, survey results...
We Welcome The Rev. Dr. Daniel E. Glaze
Dear River Road family, Greetings, sisters and brothers! While I have returned to North Carolina in an attempt to finish well my ministry at First Baptist Church of Ahoskie, my heart remains full from the weekend we shared together. You rolled out the red carpet for...
Pastor Search Committee Events – October 2016
PASTOR SEARCH COMMITTEE TO RECOMMEND PASTOR SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2016 CHURCH BUSINESS MEETING CALLED SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2016 The Pastor Search Committee is pleased to announce that at the conclusion of the worship service on Sunday, October 9, it will bring a report to...
FaithLink for October 2-30
The FaithLink class will study Half Truths: God Helps Those Who Help Themselves and Other Things the Bible Doesn’t Say by Adam Hamilton for the next five weeks. The class will use the DVD which introduces for discussion five such commonly held statements, including...
FaithLink for September 18: Amusement Park Rides and Safety
This summer, several people have been harmed in accidents on amusement park rides. What draws people to these rides? What needs to be done to improve safety? How can our faith guide us to care for the safety of others? FaithLink is a Sunday School class that meets at...
CARITAS October 15-22, 2016
Find out how you can help as we host 32 women.
FaithLink for September 11: The Rio Olympics
The Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro offered a window on a full range of stories, from inspirational performances to discouraging scandals. What have we learned from the games? How do these learnings resonate with our Christian beliefs? FaithLink is a Sunday...
River Road Church Responds to Louisiana Flooding
Donate to Louisiana Flooding Relief Now!
Fall 2016 Wednesday Night Dinner Standing Reservations
Sign up to have a Standing Reservation for Wednesday Night Dinners. Click for more information.
Register for Choir: 2016-2017 Season
This is an invitation to all River Road children, youth, and adults to sing or play in a choir.
Here We Go Again
When we were young, time seemed to stand still or at best to crawl. Birthdays were marked at the half-way point when as children we told people we were 6 and ½ or 12 and ½ to indicate we were nearing a milestone. Christmas seemed forever away. School would never...
Adult Sunday School & Small Group Curriculum Fair
Wednesday, August 10 5:45 p.m., Chapel Hall Are you an Adult Sunday School leader or teacher? Are you a small group or Sunday School participant? Are you interested in new study materials, books, or curriculum to dig deeper in your faith journey in small groups? Come...
FaithLink for July 24: House Church
House churches have been vital to worshiping communities of Christians since the beginning. What are house churches? What role do house churches play in making disciples and spreading the gospel? FaithLink is a Sunday School class that meets at 9:45 a.m. in LC...
Stewardship Exploration Gathering
Tuesday, July 26 5:30 p.m., Reception Room At the end of June, the Endowment Board announced that it had engaged Horizons Stewardship and Dr. Tom Melzoni to consult with it about how best to provide the opportunity for members to support the church through their...
FaithLink for July 17: The Orlando Shooting
The killing of 49 people at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida, has been described as the deadliest mass shooting in modern US history, the worst terror incident since 9/11, and an attack aimed at persons who identify as LGBTQ. In a culture where violence, hatred, and...
Fellowship Fund – Thank You & Special Announcement
Every fellowship collection on Sunday is quickly used at the beginning of the week based on requests we receive weekly for assistance. In the second quarter of 2016, our congregation contributed over $9,000 (over $18,000 for the year) helping 120 people and their...
Summer Choir 2016
Sundays, July 10 - September 4 The Chancel Choir welcomes adults, youth, and children who can learn a simple anthem fairly quickly to join in singing for our worship service. Warm up begins at 10:30 a.m., but anyone who would like more practice is welcome at 10:15...
FaithLink for July 10: The Panama Papers, Money, and Faith
The massive data leak known as the Panama Papers reveals questionable business practices that raise concerns about how we manage money. What are the concerns? How does our Christian faith guide our use of money? FaithLink is a Sunday School class that meets at 9:45...
Endowment Fund Letter – June 2016
This letter was sent via email and mail (those without email addresses) on June 29, 2016. Please carefully read the letter and contact any member of the Endowment Board for more information. The survey will be available in the coming weeks. A printable version of the...
FaithLink for July 3: Celebrating National Parks
In August, the National Park Service will celebrate its centennial. What is the history of our national parks? How do they add value to our country? In what ways does Christian faith guide our stewardship of our natural and cultural treasures? FaithLink is a Sunday...
FaithLink for June 26: Cyberbullying
Cyberbullying harms its victims and, in some cases, leads to suicide. What is cyberbullying? How is it similar to and different from other forms of bullying? How might our Christian faith guide us in responding to bullying? FaithLink is a Sunday School class that...
Litany of Lament ~ Sunday, June 19, 2016
On June 19, 2016, our congregation joined in a litany of lament for the victims and survivors of the mass shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando Florida, the news of which was unfolding as we worshipped together the prior Sunday, June 12. We prayed, we lamented, we...
FaithLink for June 19: The Power of Music
Music is an integral part of human experience with benefits in many aspects of our lives. What are these benefits? How does Christian tradition demonstrate that music can lead us to a deeper experience of God’s care for us? FaithLink is a Sunday School class that...
Free Books from the Pastor’s Office
Mike Clingenpeel has finished clearing out his office and packing up his multiple shelves full of books. However, he did leave books behind, and he has invited the congregation to take any books home with them for free. Please come to the church office and look at the...
FaithLink for June 12: Renegotiating Midlife
Psychological research increasingly suggests the commonly accepted “midlife crisis” is a myth. What are the transitional realities of midlife? What challenges and opportunities do these decades present? How do Christians navigate midlife in faithful ways? FaithLink is...
FaithLink for June 5: Homelessness and Housing
Across the nation, finding housing for people who are homeless continues to challenge communities. What are current options and future possibilities for housing? How does our faith guide us as we address housing issues? FaithLink is a Sunday School class that meets at...
FaithLink for May 29: No Class
The class will reconvene on June 5. FaithLink is a Sunday School class that meets at 9:45 a.m. in LC #104. Topics for each session will be announced the Tuesday prior. Whether you avail yourself of a single session on a topic that interests you, or engage in an...
FaithLink for May 22: Redesign of United States Currency
The US Treasury Department recently announced major changes to the faces portrayed on our paper currency. What changes are being made? Why were new historical figures chosen to represent our nation’s history? How does our faith guide our responses to the changes?...
FaithLink for May 15: Virtual Reality
The arrival of the Oculus Rift headset marks a milestone in the development of virtual reality. What is virtual reality? What concerns does it raise for culture and society? How will Christians engage this new technology in ways that honor God and serve our neighbors?...
Catch the Spirit: On Mission with Westover Baptist
FaithLink for May 8: Spiritual Direction
This is a continuation from the April 17 class. The practice of spiritual direction provides opportunities to share with others as we deepen our relationships with Christ. What is involved in spiritual direction? How can the practice help us learn and grow in our...
Graduating Class of 2016
Our 2016 graduates will be recognized on Sunday, June 5. If you or your child are graduating from High School, College, Graduate School, or Technical School and would like to share it with the congregation, please fill out the form below with the information below by...
VBS Volunteers 2016
Vacation Bible School August 8-12 Have You Heard?! We are so excited about VBS Week at RRCB August 8-12. Please consider volunteering. It is such a fun week to share the joy of the Lord with wonderful children and youth. Last year we were able to host over 100...
FaithLink for May 1: Minimum Wage Increase
California and New York recently approved legislation to increase the minimum wage. What are the implications of this decision? How does our faith inform what we think and feel about a minimum wage increase? FaithLink is a Sunday School class that meets at 9:45 a.m....
Fellowship Fund – Thank You & Special Announcement
Every fellowship collection on Sunday is quickly used at the beginning of the week based on requests we receive weekly for assistance. Your first quarter gifts paid rent for 45 people, which included stopping eight evictions and helping two homeless people into...
Founder’s Day 70th Anniversary Celebration Slideshow
We celebrated the 70th Anniversary of the founding of River Road Church as a part of the worship service on April 17. As we remembered the vision of the charter members and all who have followed, we recommitted ourselves to this fellowship through the reading of the...
FaithLink for April 24: Opioid Painkillers
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued more stringent guidelines for prescribing opioid painkillers in order to stem abuse of these drugs. What are the dangers? How does our faith guide us as we seek ways to alleviate pain? FaithLink is a Sunday...