Care for Creation
In the book of Genesis, God appoints humans to till the ground. Another translation of the Hebrew word “till” is “to serve.” God asks us to serve the earth, to be good stewards of God’s beautiful creation. A Care for Creation group is in the beginning stages of...
CARITAS: October 19-26
How will you serve CARITAS? Click the image to signup to volunteer.
Mission Kids Teacher
Growing up in SC, what I remember about my teachers at church is that they were there. I’m not sure I can recall one lesson that they taught me. Adults’ presence in the lives of our children is so important. We are excited about the start of our regular Wednesday...
Fall 2013 Wednesday Night Dinner Reservations
Sign up to have a Standing Reservation for Wednesday Night Dinners. Click for more information.
Dinner & A Movie
Sunday, August 25 – The cookout/potluck begins at 5pm, followed by the movie, “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey” at 6:00pm.
Register for Choir
This is an invitation to all River Road children, youth, and adults to sing in a choir.
Facebook Contest
Seeing God Everyday Send us photos from your summer vacations and outings! The photographer of the winning photo will win a copy of “The Pulpit Ministries of River Road Church, Baptist.” The winning photo will be the photo with the most “likes” (votes) by Monday,...
Canterbury Trip 2014
Between July 21 and 30, 2014, members of our Chancel, Youth, and Crusader Choirs will be leading worship for Evensong and Eucharist services at Canterbury Cathedral, England. This choir residency program will allow us to immerse ourselves in the ancient daily worship...
Church Votes to Call Rev. Michael Kellett, Jr. to be Our Minister to Children and Youth
A capacity crowd filled the River Road Church, Baptist Chapel last night and voted to call the Rev. Michael P. Kellett, Jr. as Minister to Children and Youth. Immediately following the service the pastor phoned Kellett, and with enthusiasm he accepted the church's...
Parent/Child/Church Dedication Service
Sunday, July 21 11:00 a.m., Sanctuary If your family would like to participate in our Parent/Child/Church Dedication during the worship service on July 21, please contact Sandi Bassett (804-288-1131) by July 15. Dr. Mike Clingenpeel will lead this dedication service....
Mission Footprint 5K 2013 Volunteers
Saturday, September 7 7:30 a.m., Kids Run 8:00 a.m., 5K Trinity United Methodist This fall we are joining Trinity United Methodist Church for their third annual Mission Footprint 5K run/walk. Details for the event and online registration are forthcoming. If you would...
Finance Committee Planning Meeting
Monday, July 8 7:00 p.m., Adult Assembly Room The Finance Committee is planning an open meeting to review the church's financial directions. The idea is to get a better feel for where our needs and resources are heading, and to plan ahead of time for appropriate...
River Road Reads: The Hobbit
A summer reading program where we invite everyone to read the same book and then provide opportunities in the fall to discuss the selection.
VBS Cultural Donations
Everywhere Fun Fair takes children to a global celebration with the look and feel of a world’s fair. Children will make friends with neighbors around the world and discover that God’s love can be found everywhere, including their own neighborhoods. Children will be...
Suggestion Boxes
Suggestion boxes are now available in the Commons areas. The suggestion boxes are being provided by the Committee for Spiritual and Missional Growth.
Summer Handbell Choir
This group will rehearse in June and July with the goal to ring during a worship service in August. The rehearsal schedule will be determine by the availability of the ringers. Beginner ringers are welcome and previous experience reading music is helpful, but not...
Summer Chancel Choir 2013
Sundays, June 16 - September 1 The Chancel Choir is inviting adults who can learn a simple anthem fairly quickly to join in to sing for our worship service. To sign up please fill out the form below, or contact David Gulick (804-231-3245) the Monday prior to the...
Graduating Classes of 2013
If you or your child are graduating from High School, College, Graduate, or Technical School and would like to share it with the congregation on June 2, please fill out the form below by Monday, May 20: [contact-form to='' subject='2013...
New Samaritans: Loving Our Muslim Neighbor – Follow-Up Resources
The following letter is from Nathan Elmore, our guest speaker for the series, "New Samaritans: Loving our Muslim Neighbor." Note the bulleted list includes links to three PDF documents which you may view online, download, or print. Visit this page to view a list of...
New Samaritans: Loving Our Muslim Neighbors – Reading List
Recommended Reading List provided by guest presenter, Nathan Elmore, as part of a three-week series on Christian-Muslim relations. Nathan is the Baptist Collegiate minister at VCU and on staff at Peace Catalyst International.
Watercolor Art Exhibit
in the Lower Commons May 20 – June 10
Parent/Child/Church Dedication Service
Mother's Day Sunday, May 12 11:00 a.m., Sanctuary If your family would like to participate in our Parent/Child/Church Dedication during the worship service on May 12, please contact Sandi Bassett (804-288-1131) by May 6. Dr. Mike Clingenpeel will lead this dedication...
No Wednesday Dinner or Programs on April 3
Have a safe and fun Spring Break!
Maine Summer Mission Tour
Farmington, ME July 19-28, 2013 After much prayerful thought and discussion, the decision has been made to return to the Farmington Conference Center this summer. The tour is open to adults, college students, and (current) high school juniors and seniors, whether you...
Stop Hunger Now
Saturday, April 6 9:00 a.m., Second Baptist Church (Family Life Center) Friends and neighbors from other River Road Corridor churches are also participating in this meal-packing event. This is a family-friendly opportunity; children over the age of six are welcome to...
Minister to Children & Youth Search Committee Forum
Sunday, March 17 5:30 p.m., New Horizons Classroom Members are invited to learn about the search committee's work, ask any questions, and provide feedback.
VBS Volunteers 2013
Vacation Bible School: July 15-19 Where will you serve? Prior to VBS Pray for the children and volunteers Prepare materials (banners, posters, backdrops, etc. to be used by the teachers or decorating committee) Decorate the church Donate materials Donate snacks for...
All Wednesday Activities are Cancelled
There will not be any programs or activities at church on Wednesday, March 6 due to inclement weather.
Watercolor 101 Class Exhibit
March 2-17 Lower Commons The paintings on display will be those of class participants from Session 3 and Session 4. You are encouraged to stop by and take a look at what these artists have accomplished during the six classes that make up each session. They are very...
PASSPORTkids! Camp Information Meeting
Sunday, March 17 12:30 p.m., Reception Room This meeting is for parents of third through fifth graders who may be interested in attending camp this summer. The meeting is an opportunity to learn more, express any questions or concerns, and sign up. Medical release...
Stephen Ministers Training
The Stephen Ministers are once again inviting folks who are interested in being trained as Stephen Ministers through River Road Church to call or write Dan Bagby (804-288-1131) or Joyce Gibson (804-740-4396) for questions and signing up for the sessions. The training...
State of the Church Address
This is the text of “The State of the Church” address given by the pastor at the annual business meeting of River Road Church, Baptist on the evening of January 30, 2013. THE STATE OF THE CHURCH—January 30, 2013 A couple of months ago I met with a subcommittee of the...
Easter Lilies
Purchase Easter lilies in honor or in memory of loved ones by March 10.
Call for Art – Watercolor
Watercolor Exhibit Spring 2013 Lower Commons The Arts Committee is planning for a watercolor exhibit this spring. If you are interested, please contact DeAnne Shelton for information on submitting your pieces. If you are interested in submitting work, you may...
PASSPORT Camps 2013
Children: June 19-22; Youth: June 30 – July 5
Youth Choir
For many years a choir in a church has been very important. Choirs began in the late 6th century, and people such as, Monks, sang the songs. Although the songs they sang are different from what we sing in church today. They sung, Gregorian chants, which are religious...
CARITAS: February 16-23
How can you help?
ISH Diaper Drive
Off to a Good Start Helping Our Neighbors through ISH January 9 – February 17 Many of our neighbors in Henrico County who are served by ISH (Interfaith Services of Henrico in cooperation with Social Services of Henrico) need diapers in all sizes. ISH has asked our...
A quick test post.
An Invitation…
Do you like to ride in a van with fourteen of your closest friends for twelve hours a day? Do you like “fast food” stops? Is living in a dorm and eating cafeteria meals for a week your idea of a good time? Do construction projects, painting, and grounds work make your...