FaithLink: The Middle Class
Topic for March 23, 2014 A recent survey indicates that fewer Americans identify themselves as belonging to the middle class. What does this perception say to us about peoples’ concerns for their own economic well-being and security? What does our faith say to us...
Join the 2014 Softball Team
The church will have a softball team in the Western Henrico Church Softball League again this year. The season starts on April 1st. This is a coed team. Games are on Tuesday nights at Short Pump Elementary or Henrico Complex on Mountain Road. If you're interested in...
FaithLink: Minimum Wage and Faith
Topic for March 16, 2014 A recent report on a proposed minimum wage increase predicts both benefits and losses for low-wage workers. How can the debate over minimum wage help us understand the struggles of low-wage workers? What can people of faith do to support these...
CARITAS May 31 – June 7
CARITAS is Coming May 31 - June 7 We are hosting 40 women. We did not have a February CARITAS because they are coming in the late spring. Online sign up is now available through Access ACS. This is the same sign up process the Deacons are using for their assignments....
FaithLink: Mental Illness and Christian Faith
Topic for March 9, 2014 Several recent violent events have brought national attention to mental health issues. How can churches offer support to people who suffer from mental illness and to communities who experience such violent tragedies? FaithLink is a Sunday...
Church Closed Monday, March 3, 2014
The Church Office is closed and all activities are cancelled on Monday, March 3, 2014 due to inclement weather.
Humans vs. Machines: An Update on Our Email Situation
It’s funny to think how much we depend on our email now. Many of us still call people, but email has become a much more convenient and easier way to communicate. And what happens anytime we become comfortable or dependent on something? It breaks, and we don’t know...
Inquirers Class – Spring 2014
Sundays, March 9-23 9:00 a.m., Youth Area The class is geared toward 4th and 5th graders. If your child would be interested, please contact Michael Kellett (804- 288-1131).
FaithLink: Water Crises
Topic for March 2, 2014 The recent report of chemical contamination of the water supply in West Virginia raises issues about water in the United States and all over the world. What are these issues? What can we do to make sure that access to safe water is available...
Easter Lilies
Purchase Easter lilies in honor or in memory of loved ones by April 6.
FaithLink: Fast Food
Topic for February 23, 2014 Increasing concern over fat and calories in fast foods has led to healthier options in many fast- food restaurants. How can we make choices that contribute to our good health? How can our faith help us as we make healthier decisions about...
Deacon Online Sign-Up
A pdf of the following information, Deacon Online Sign Up Instructions 2014, is also available. Step 1: Sign Up for Access ACS Access ACS is a password protected area that can be accessed with the following link:...
Church Closed Thursday, February 13, 2014
The Church Office is closed and all activities are cancelled on Thursday, February 13, 2014 due to inclement weather.
All Wednesday Activities are Cancelled
There will not be any programs or activities at church on Wednesday, February 12, 2014 due to inclement weather.
FaithLink: Connecting Christian Faith with Contemporary Issues
A class connecting Christian faith with issues in contemporary life. Sunday mornings at 9:45 a.m.!
FaithLink: Chronic Illness
Topic for February 16, 2014 Nearly one in two Americans has a chronic health condition. The vast majority of these conditions have no visible signs of illness or use of assistive devices. How can people of faith support those who deal with ongoing pain or disease?...
Successful Souper Bowl!
On Sunday, February 2, the youth collected donations for the Souper Bowl (this is the correct spelling). The idea is to make a concerted effort in helping to feed the hungry on the same day that millions of people watch the Super Bowl, enjoying the satisfaction of...
FaithLink: The Challenges of Homelessness
Topic for February 9, 2014 Many of us are not aware of the daily challenges faced by people who live without homes. Who are the homeless, and what are these challenges? What can individual Christians and churches do to support and be in ministry with those who are...
Lenten Devotions and Creative Expressions
We are looking to expand the format of the Lenten devotional series this year. In addition to the "traditional" format of taking a scripture passage and writing a short meditative thought, we hope to include music, art, and poetry. We are welcoming original...
FaithLink: End-of-Life Medical Treatment
Topic for February 2, 2014 The tragic case of Jahi McMath has renewed public attention to complicated questions about the end of life. What defines death? What measures should medical science take to sustain life? How does Christian faith guide us as we face these...
FaithLink: Connecting Christian Faith with Contemporary Issues
Begins Sunday, February 2, 2014 9:30 a.m., LC #104 This new adult Bible study led by Sheryl Johnson will utilize the “FaithLink” series from the United Methodist Church. This series looks to connect Christian faith with issues in contemporary life. As events unfold...
“FaithLink” Will Come Early Each Sunday
A class connecting Christian faith with issues in contemporary life. Begins February 2!
Church Holiday Schedule 2013
Monday, December 23 Regular Office Hours (9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.) Tuesday, December 24 Regular Office Hours (9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.) Christmas Eve Family Service, 5:00 p.m., Sanctuary Christmas Eve Candlelight Service & Holy Communion, 11:00 p.m., Sanctuary...
2013 Contributions
If you are planning to make a payment on your 2013 pledge, we must receive it in the Church Office by 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 31 or it must be postmarked by December 31 to be counted on your 2013 pledge to the Church. Anything received after the above dates will...
Resources for Parents to Help with the Season of Advent
What a wonderful time we had at our ADVENT-ure lunch - for children and families for a time of fellowship and learning more about this season of preparation we call Advent. We had over 80 people to attend. Many, many thanks to Julia Tyler, Margaret Almond, Tuckie...
Typhoon Haiyan Disaster Relief
Did you know that your church, through the Board of Missions (BOM) budget, is helping out with Typhoon Haiyan disaster relief in the Philippines? It is happening on three different fronts. For decades, The BOM budget has included major contributions to both the...
Spring 2014 Wednesday Night Dinner Reservations
Sign up to have a Standing Reservation for Wednesday Night Dinners. Click for more information.
Season of Prayer for Global Missions and Christmas Offering
December 1-31 It’s a “Christmas Season thing” among Baptists to give to Global Missions, sharing the hope, peace, joy, and love of Christ with the world. The CBF Offering for Global Missions goes to field personnel salaries, benefits and ministry expenses. This...
2013 Advent Devotions Coming Soon!
A new devotion everyday from the first Sunday of Advent through Epiphany. Written by lay persons and ministers of River Road Church.
Church Christmas Decorating
Outside Decorations Friday, December 6, 9:00 a.m. Sanctuary Decorations Friday, December 13, 9:00 a.m. We welcome all volunteers who would like to help with Christmas decorating. The outside of the church will be decorated on December 6, and the Sanctuary will be...
College Care Packages
On Wednesday, December 4, the youth will be putting together college care packages for those folks currently in college. This small act lets them know of our continued care and concern for them during this stressful time of taking exams. We would like to ask you to...
Thanksgiving Offering
Deadline: November 24 Our Thanksgiving offerings received during the season on Sundays, mailed in, or electronically sent will benefit the needy poor of our immediate community at The Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry held twice a month at Second Baptist Church.
Finance Committee Discussion
Sunday, November 17 7:00 p.m., Assembly Room The Finance Committee will be holding a discussion during the November Board of Administration meeting. The purpose is to review the results of the planning meeting held this summer to forecast church finances over the next...
2014 Flower Calendar Sign Up
Sundays, November 10, 17, 24, & December 1 12:15 p.m., Fellowship Hall The 2014 Flower Calendar will be in the Fellowship Hall during the reception following worship. Anyone wishing to contribute altar flowers for a Sunday should see Betsy Lowery (804-338-4604)....
Prison Ministry – Cards & Writing Supplies
Deadline: Sunday, November 17 Contribute cards, stationary, and writing supplies for Fluvanna Women’s Correctional Center. Please help women in prison stay in touch with their families. The cards may be for Christmas or other occasions. Please leave your donations on...
Fall Art Exhibit – Louise Hoffman Gallagher
November 2-17 Lower Commons The Arts Committee invites you to enjoy paintings by Louise Hoffman Gallagher. Louise is married to Bob Gallagher, our Minister of Music. Louise Hoffman Gallagher Biography Louise Hoffman Gallagher was born in Ithan-Villanova, Pennsylvania....
Thanksgiving Baskets
Bring food for Oregon Hill Baptist Center by November 17.
Basketball Team
The RRCB basketball team begins play next month and we are recruiting players now. The season begins in mid November with games played weekly, either Tuesday or Thursday nights, at Byrd Middle School. Sign ups are due on October 18th. Please contact Austin Clark...
Military Veterans of River Road
Help us compile an accurate list of RIver Road members who are veterans.
River Road Preschool Development Center Survey
This is a survey for parents with preschool-aged children who are members of River Road Church, Baptist. Dear Parents, River Road Church Preschool Committee is looking to see what are the needs of parentswith preschool children. A brief survey has been designed to...