Canterbury Music
Canterbury Trip July 21-29 On July 22, members and friends of River Road Chancel Choir (and singers from Crusader and Youth Choirs) will be arriving in Canterbury, England to spend a week “in residence” at one of the most important and renowned houses of worship in...
FaithLink: No Class
Topic for July 27, 2014 FaithLink will not meet on Sunday, July 27. FaithLink is a Sunday School class that meets at 9:30 a.m. in LC #104. Sheryl Johnson is leading the class. Topics for each session will be announced the Tuesday prior. Whether you avail yourself of a...
Business Meeting
Sunday, August 3, 12:15 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall
Mission Footprint 5K 2014 Volunteers
Saturday, September 6 7:30 a.m., Kids Run 8:00 a.m., 5K Trinity United Methodist This fall we are joining Trinity United Methodist Church for the Fourth Annual Mission Footprint 5K & Kids Fun Run. If you would like to volunteer (at least 30 volunteers are needed),...
Food Trucks Cancelled – July 15
The Food Trucks will not be at RRCB tonight. We will still have Vespers at 7PM.
FaithLink: No Class
Topic for July 20, 2014 FaithLink will not meet on Sunday, July 20. FaithLink is a Sunday School class that meets at 9:30 a.m. in LC #104. Sheryl Johnson is leading the class. Topics for each session will be announced the Tuesday prior. Whether you avail yourself of a...
FaithLink: No Class
Topic for July 13, 2014 FaithLink will not meet on Sunday, July 13. FaithLink is a Sunday School class that meets at 9:30 a.m. in LC #104. Sheryl Johnson is leading the class. Topics for each session will be announced the Tuesday prior. Whether you avail yourself of a...
FaithLink: Freedom, Disagreement, and Christian Faith
Topic for July 6, 2014 Freedom in our country means that many people will express ideas and positions that are very different from ours, especially in the political arena. How does Christian faith guide us through our differences? How do we pray for leaders when we...
FaithLink: No Class
Topic for June 29, 2014 FaithLink will not meet on Sunday, June 29. FaithLink is a Sunday School class that meets at 9:30 a.m. in LC #104. Sheryl Johnson is leading the class. Topics for each session will be announced the Tuesday prior. Whether you avail yourself of a...
FaithLink: No Class
Topic for June 22, 2014 FaithLink will not meet on Sunday, June 22. FaithLink is a Sunday School class that meets at 9:30 a.m. in LC #104. Sheryl Johnson is leading the class. Topics for each session will be announced the Tuesday prior. Whether you avail yourself of a...
CARITAS – Thank You
Dear Church Family, Thank you each and every volunteer, staff member, and minister for the wonderful gifts you gave to the CARITAS Ladies (May 31 - June 7). You shared our beautiful church home for a week with ladies in a crisis by... bringing and working with your...
FaithLink: Climate Change and the Church
Topic for June 15, 2014 In its most recent assessment, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has set an upper limit on the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere before there will be irreversible changes to the planet. How can churches and Christians make a...
Campaign Goal Met…and More!
Over $1.9 million has been pledged towards our $1.5 million goal!
Call for Art – Photography
Photography Exhibit October 3-20 Lower Commons The Arts Committee is planning for a photography exhibit this fall. The exhibit is open to adults and youth and photos may be color or black and white. Your photographs must be at least 8"x10" and cannot be larger than...
FaithLink: The Kidnapping of Nigerian Schoolgirls
Topic for June 8, 2014 The kidnapping of schoolgirls in Nigeria by Boko Haram has caused worldwide outrage. What is Boko Haram? What efforts are being made to locate and rescue the girls? How can Christians support these efforts and advocate for the rights and safety...
2014 Flower Calendar – Remaining Dates
July 27 August 3 August 17 Three Sundays remain open on the calendar for altar flowers. If you would like to donate flowers in honor or memory of a loved one, please contact Betsy Lowery (804-330-0134). The cost is $85.
FaithLink: Capital Punishment by Lethal Injection
Topic for June 1, 2014 The controversial execution of Clayton D. Lockett in Oklahoma raises new concerns about capital punishment and methods of lethal injection. What are these concerns? How can Christians sort through this difficult issue? FaithLink is a Sunday...
Finding the Good
"There's nothing good left in the world anymore." These words were spoken to me by a grandmother sitting next to her grandson's bed in the trauma room at VCU Medical center. It's easy to wonder where the good is when you are scared and anxious. It is easy to wonder...
Youth Mission Trip Encourager
If you are willing to be an “Encourager,” which involves making some goodies for a participant on the youth mission trip (June 22-28); writing a note of encouragement (prayer, scripture, your own words); and praying for that individual, please contact Michael...
American Flags
If you have an American flag that is no longer serviceable, you may leave it on the shelf of the coat rack in the stairwell between the Lower and Upper Commons. Dean Decker will deliver it to an American Legion post where it will be properly destroyed.
FaithLink: Crisis in Ukraine
Topic for May 25, 2014 The ongoing crisis in Ukraine has generated concern throughout the world. What is the situation, and what are the concerns? How can our Christian faith guide our response to this crisis? FaithLink is a Sunday School class that meets at 9:30 a.m....
Rejoice & Give Thanks Campaign Website We have launched a microsite specifically for the 2014-2017 Capital Stewardship Campaign - Rejoice & Give Thanks: God's House, Our Time. On this site, you will be able to find all of the materials pertaining to the campaign including the campaign...
2014 Camp Alkulana Offering
“Camp [Alkulana] is a place where I can get away from all of my struggles, be myself, and not worry about what other people think of me. Camp [Alkulana] is one of my favorite places and I really hope I can come back next year,” one of the campers of 2013 wrote. The...
FaithLink: Christian Witness and Daily Life
Topic for May 18, 2014 As Christians, we are called to witness to others in our daily lives. What does it mean to witness? What can we learn from the Bible about the ways we witness? How can we as churches and individuals enhance our Christian witness? FaithLink is a...
Food Trucks Hosts
Our first food truck event on May 6 was well received with all indications it was a success! When welcoming our guests from the community and congregation, it was noticed that we need hosts to be on hand to meet and greet our guests and make them feel welcomed, and be...
Graduating Class of 2014
If you or your child are graduating from High School, College, Graduate, or Technical School and would like to share it with the congregation, please fill out the form below by Monday, May 26: [contact-form to='' subject='2014 Graduates...
FaithLink: Radical Life Extension
Topic for May 11, 2014 A recent Pew Forum report raised questions about the scientific and ethical dimensions of radical life extension. What faith issues emerge from the possibility of living to 120 and beyond? FaithLink is a Sunday School class that meets at 9:30...
VBS Volunteers 2014
Vacation Bible School: July 14-18 Where will you serve? Opportunities Still Available: Preschool volunteer on Wednesday (7/16) Host or hostess on Friday (7/18) morning Clean up volunteers on Friday (7/18) after VBS Donations: Clean, empty aluminum soup or vegetable...
Food Trucks
Tuesdays, May 6 – September 9, 5:30-8:30 p.m.
FaithLink: The Nature Connection
Topic for May 4, 2014 Nature-deficit disorder is a term in widespread use today to describe our lack of relationship to nature. What are the consequences of our disconnect with nature? What resources of Christian faith encourage our connection with nature, thus...
Easter Decorations – Thank You
Our church was decorated for Easter on April 18 by many volunteers who shared their time and talent. We would like to say thank you to the following people who were a part of this special time: Patricia Alford Margaret Almond Julia Bouck Jean Cauble Vivian Clingenpeel...
FaithLink: Attending Ingathering
Topic for April 27, 2014 The FaithLink class will attend the Missions Ingathering beginning at 9:15 a.m. FaithLink is a Sunday School class that meets at 9:30 a.m. in LC #104. Sheryl Johnson is leading the class. Topics for each session will be announced the Tuesday...
River Road Preschool App
The River Road Preschool Development Center has a new App! You can download the App through the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. The App is free; provides tips to parents of preschool-age children; and one-click access to the Preschool's Facebook page,...
FaithLink: The Empty Tomb
Topic for April 20, 2014 FaithLink will meet at 9:45 a.m. due to the Easter Worship Services at 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. The lectionary Scripture passages for this Easter Sunday describe the empty tomb, the nature of God, and ways the early followers of Christ found...
Decorating for Easter
Friday, April 18 9:00 a.m., Sanctuary We will be decorating the Sanctuary for Easter, and we need volunteers. Everyone is welcome to help. For more information please contact Margaret Almond.
No Wednesday Dinner or Programs on April 16
Have a safe and fun Spring Break!
FaithLink: The World Wide Web and Faith
Topic for April 13, 2014 Last month, the World Wide Web turned 25 years old. How has the Web changed US culture and the way people relate to one another in the last quarter-century? What wisdom does Christian faith offer for communicating the gospel in our Web-savvy...
FaithLink: Cosmos and Christian Faith
Topic for April 6, 2014 The series Cosmos presents scientific discoveries that create awe and speculation about the origins of the universe. What questions are raised by the show? How does our faith inform our approach to scientific discovery? FaithLink is a Sunday...
2014 Softball Schedule
Cheer on the RRCB Softball Team on Tuesday nights at Moody Middle School, Short Pump Park, or Glen Allen Complex! Every week is a double-header. Tuesday, April 1 6:30 p.m. & 7:20 p.m. Moody Middle School #2 Opponent: Temple Beth El Tuesday, April 8 6:30 p.m. &...
FaithLink: Selfies
Topic for March 30, 2014 Selfies was the word of the year for 2013, according to Oxford Dictionaries. What is a selfie, and what does this phenomenon say about our culture and our self-image in the digital age? How does our faith influence the way we present...