One hundred and twenty-five toddlers and preschool- and elementary-age children visited Promise Island during the week of July 9-13. Our church was transformed into an island that represented God’s lifesaving love. Life preservers marked the classroom doors and toucans, monkeys, fish, and butterflies welcomed the children to a seaside celebration.
Our mornings began with our children lined up by age processing into the Sanctuary with their leaders. A word of welcome and opening prayer began our morning assembly which also included singing the familiar favorite, “I am a Promise” and a discussion of the day’s Bible verse and promise. The opening assembly ended with a skit performed by our youth whose characters were exploring “Promise Island.”
Following this, the children scattered to their different stations: crafts, music, recreation, snack, Bible story, and missions. Each station leader reinforced the day’s promise and Bible lesson in their activity. For example, the preschoolers made windchimes in crafts to reinforce the promise that God hears us. In missions, the children made a banner to be taken to Standing Rock and also received prayer cards to pray for our missionaries there. Our Bible story leaders reenacted the stories and made characters such as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego come alive. Prior to the games in recreation, the leaders retold the Bible stories and connected them to the game for that day. Energetic music filled our music classrooms as children learned new songs of praise and worship.
Snack offered a needed respite in a busy morning. Before you knew it, it was time once again to gather all together in the sanctuary for our closing assembly. Children eagerly shared what they had learned that morning, we sang a song and then our youth once again presented a skit to wrap up the morning.
Approximately 65 people volunteered, plus additional help from staff, for Vacation Bible School. Whether it was decorating the church, taking pictures throughout the week, or serving as a station or group leader, our volunteers demonstrated energy, excitement, and a love for sharing God’s word with the children in attendance. For some children, this was a first time in Bible school and perhaps their first time hearing that God loves them. To see the love and care given by the volunteers was a true blessing. We are thankful that some of you were able to join us for our closing worship service and lunch.
Be sure you check out the array of pictures on the bulletin board downstairs. What an amazing outreach of our church and a reminder that with God anything is possible.
Promise: I am with you
Bible Memory Verse: Isaiah 41:10
Bible Story: God was with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abendego (Daniel 3:1, 4-28)
Promise: I care about you
Bible Memory Verse: Peter 5:7
Bible Story: Jesus cared about Mary, Martha, and Lazarus (John 11:1-3, 17-44)
Promise: I give you what you need
Bible Memory Verse: Philippians 4:19
Bible Story: Jesus met the needs of a man brought by four friends (Mark 2:1-12)
Promise: I will save you
Bible Memory Verse: John 3:16
Bible Story: Jesus died to save us from sins and He rose again (John 19:16-18, 29-30; 20:24-31)
Promise: I will answer you
Bible Memory Verse: 1 John 5:14
Bible Story: God answered the prayers of Paul and Silas (Acts 16:22-34)
by Lisa Cipolletti & Kristina Barbier, VBS Co-Directors