Sunday, November 27
12:15 p.m., Fellowship Hall

adventure lunch angelAfter worship, children of all ages and their families are invited to the ADVENTure lunch. This is an opportunity to gather in fellowship, to enjoy a meal around the tables, to provide some resources for families to use at home that will help you with Advent preparation, and to have an opportunity to learn more about the season of Advent.

This event is a great opportunity to offer an invitation to friends and neighbors and their children to join us as we provide an educational opportunity to help their family prepare for the coming of the Christ child. Additionally, and new this year, we are asking that families bring their donations for the Christmas Stores to the ADVENTure Lunch for a teachable moment with our children. More information about the Christmas Stores can be found here.

You must sign up by Tuesday, November 22 in order to attend. Please sign up, by filling out the form below or calling the Church Office (804-288-1131). (Don’t forget to mention if there are any dietary concerns for your family.)

Reservations are closed.