by Deb & Bill Gray

In the fall of 1980, we were new Richmonders with a new baby and a two-year-old. With limited parenting experience and our nearest family four hours away, we wondered who could help us give our children the kind of positive, loving surroundings and strong Christian foundation that our parents gave us. The answer was River Road Church, and one of the key components was the River Road Preschool. Our son, John, started in the Moms’ Morning Out program that fall and our daughter, Melanie, the following year. In those programs we met families with similar concerns and values, and both we and our children made friendships that have lasted three decades.

Our children left the Preschool four years later, academically well prepared for kindergarten. But even more important, because they had been surrounded by love and encouragement from a dedicated Preschool staff, they arrived at kindergarten as confident students and good citizens. And our granddaughter now has started on the same wonderful path. We thank you and celebrate with you. Congratulations for 40 years of remarkable dedication and superb results.