As I write this, we are right in the middle of Vacation Bible School (VBS). With over 110 children involved, the normally subdued weekday church environment has really taken on some new life (and noise).
We’ve been learning together the ways that God is at work in our world and how we can look up, look around, and look within to see God’s fingerprints in our world.
Kim Crowley, Kate Knerr, and Betsy Lowery have really done well with organizing a positive and uplifting experience for children and volunteers alike. Thank you so much, Kim, Kate, and Betsy!
While I’m thanking folks, I must say a word of thanks to the volunteers who have given their time and love so freely this week. Even our esteemed Pastor Emeritus has volunteered each day this week. Our summer interns, Beth Rooney and Taylor Bostic, have been very helpful in coordinating the opening and closing services for VBS and assisting behind the scenes. We couldn’t do it without this amazing team of volunteers.
I’d also like to thank you, River Road Church, Baptist. Thanks for being a church that takes seriously loving and educating our children. It’s often said that children are the future of our church. Yes, they are—but they are also our present. We have a sacred responsibility right now—not someday in the future—to raise them in the faith as others have raised us. It is a high honor to pastor a church who does this so well. Thank you, thank you!