Early in our marriage, (53 years ago), we were members of another church in the city. We had been exposed to the some of its staff members while in college and consequently joined that church. Several years later, after our family expanded to include two children, we decided to search for a church a little closer to our home in order to “get us to the church on time” and to find a spiritual home for all of us. After visiting several churches and observing what they offered that would fit the needs of all four of us, we decided to move our membership to RRCB. The traditional style of the service connected with us, and the cerebral music moved us. Over the years we have found it to be an inclusive church that encourages active involvement amongst its members, as well as in the community.
After joining the church we became members of The Doubles Class where, some of you might remember, our children were presented the little white Bibles with their names engraved on the front! We were delighted to be a part of the committee investigating the feasibility of establishing a preschool at River Road and have been forever grateful for that wonderful program. Our children and grandchildren have all benefited from the efforts of so many River Road members and staff who are responsible for its success and impact on so many children. In addition to the preschool program, the many avenues of spiritual growth provided in the Sunday School, choir, and youth group are among our many River Road blessings. We believe our children were on Chester’s first youth mission trip!
We have, as adults, been fortunate to have so many wonderful opportunities to be involved in the many outstanding mission activities that this church has provided. We are grateful also for the encouragement it gives all to try something—even if you often feel under qualified. After five trips to Mississippi and Louisiana following Hurricane Katrina, numerous trips to Bland County, and many nights spent feeding and visiting with our CARITAS guests, it is no wonder our gratitude has grown exponentially through each activity. We could never give to RRCB what it has given to us and to our family.
Participation in the annual stewardship campaign is only a small way in which we can express our gratitude and thankfulness we feel in our hearts. Our offerings are necessary to continue the blessings we are able to extend to others, as well as those we receive ourselves.
So would we say this was a good decision? Yes, definitely!
Written by Ronnie and Mary Iva Jones