The following letter is from Nathan Elmore, our guest speaker for the series, “New Samaritans: Loving our Muslim Neighbor.”  Note the bulleted list includes links to three PDF documents which you may view online, download, or print. Visit this page to view a list of  reading materials suggested by Nathan as well.

May 6, 2013

Greetings, from that Baptist collegiate minister guy at VCU!

A quick note to say: a huge thank-you to the various Sunday school leaders (and members) who adapted their regular class schedules to allow space for the New Samaritans: Loving Our Muslim Neighbors seminar. It truly was a distinct pleasure to be with you—and to share something of a Jesus-shaped paradigm for engaging this religious neighbor who goes by the name Muslim. I believe, per 2 Corinthians 5:17-20, that every Christian has been given “the ministry of reconciliation,” and to that end, I very much pray that the seminar further contributed to the provoking of love and good works—in the name of Jesus—in the direction of Muslim men and women, in Richmond and beyond.

As a follow-up to the seminar, for those who are interested, I’ve sent Sheryl Johnson the following documents:

Finally, I wanted to mention among the River Road community: my work with Peace Catalyst International (PCI) is a financially-supported ministry. I do not receive any salary from PCI. If you would like to know more about PCI, or if you would like to become a financial partner with the Elmore family, please drop me an email [] or give me a call [804.836.6418].


Nathan F. Elmore