On Wednesday, December 3, the youth will be putting together college care packages for those folks currently in college. This small act lets them know of our continued care and concern for them during this stressful time of taking exams.
We would like to ask you to bring some goodies to be put in the boxes. We would appreciate it if you would go ahead and divide them into plastic bags, 2-4 items to a bag, depending on the size. If you are not a baker, any prepackaged snacks or treats could also be used. If you bring goodies to eat, please put them in something that will be easy to box up. The smaller the items, the easier it will be to pack them in boxes. Please bring them to the church office.
Some suggestions for food and other supplies:
- Fruit
- Goodies (see above)
- Breath Fresheners (gum, peppermints, hard candy)
- Stamps (for when they write you a thank-you note)
- Pens/Pencils/Highlighters
- Chips/Crackers
- A note or a card.
For any parents who haven’t given the church contact information for your child in college, now is the time. Please send that to Michael Kellett or fill out the form below.
[contact-form to=’michaelkellett@riverroad.church’ subject=’College Student Mailing Info’][contact-field label=’Parent%26#039;s Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Parent%26#039;s Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Student%26#039;s Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Student%26#039;s Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Student%26#039;s Mailing Address’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]