An effective Christian witness requires two important components. First, one has to study God’s word to better understand the relationship God desires from everyone. Sunday school, individual Bible study, group activities and study, music and corporate worship are a few of the ways this inquiry can take place. Some people spend their lifetime pursuing this knowledge. However, to be an effective Christian, an individual must move to step two – proper application of the information to the larger community.
River Road church offers many opportunities to become an “applied” Christian. Age-appropriate teaching, mission outreach projects, committee assignments, music and worship leadership are but a few examples. Young people sometime believe that age prevents them from cultivating their skills in the life of the church. Not so! Assisting with extended care, singing in the choir, helping with Vacation Bible School, writing blogs for the website and taking part in mission outreach projects will sharpen your skills and open your heart and mind to new opportunities. The coming summer will provide such a challenge.
This summer Mission Tour will take place from June 30 – July 5 in Wingate, North Carolina. Our church will join with three hundred other young people to provide services to the low-income, elderly members of the Wingate community. The afternoon session will allow you to choice from a variety of classes including art, music, ecology, food and cooking and how to think globally. The group will stay at Wingate University. Details of the trip and possible side trips will be presented at our first meeting on January 6th. A new adventure awaits – participate to the fullest!