Jeremiah 33:14-18
Advent should be the season of renewed preparation. It is a time that provides Christians an alternative to commercialism that ends the celebration of our Savior’s birth on the very day that celebration should begin. As our world prepares months in advance with a superficial anxiety that begs us to love those who somehow miss the point, this “holiday cheer,” for all that it is, unknowingly lacks what it truly needs the most.
Advent reminds Christians of how patient we are expected to be and how important prayer is in this life. The faithful are not waiting for Christ to come, like patients in a doctor’s office. Rather there is a palatable anticipation that manifests itself through the power of prayer, absolution and charity.
The Holy Spirit as our companion in this season of faith reminds us that the promise of salvation is not something that we should idly wait for. It is our Creator’s expectation that we attempt to live the very life that Christ led for us, that we become an example and a living testimony for Him.
We read and re-live the great events in biblical history because the Word is alive and nowhere more than during Advent. As the mysteries of Advent are presented, we are drawn to take a renewed part in the preparation of His coming.
How important is this “good promise” of His coming? It is only important if we think that we must truly prepare for what we hope to truly receive.
Mark Pounders
This is a wonderful reminder of what this season should be all about. If we truly hope to receive something, we indeed truly need to prepare.