River City Faith Network Missions Offering: Into the Neighborhood
May 21-June 18, 2023
RRCB Goal: $10,000
“The Word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighborhood. We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one-of-a-kind glory. Like Father, like Son, generous inside and out, true from start to finish.” – John 1:14 MSG.
For more than 100 years Richmond Baptist Centers and Camp Alkulana have invested in meeting the needs and sharing Christ among our Richmond neighbors. The annual missions offering of the River City Faith Network directly supports the work of Camp Alkulana, Church Hill Christian Wellness Center, Oregon Hill Baptist Center, and the South Richmond Baptist Center, and these ministries go into the neighborhood to provide love and care to their communities and their needs.
Designated RCFN offering envelopes are available in the pew racks—please write “RCFN Offering” in the memo/note of your check. You can also make a gift at rrcb.org/give-online —select “RCFN Offering” for the fund.
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Check back weekly for new stories and videos.
June 18, 2023: Camp Alkulana
Near the end of each Camp Alkulana session, the campers and staff gather in the worship area called Piney Park for a promise ceremony. The campers write down their answers to the question, “What promise are you ready to make to change your life?” The camp director, Beth Wright, occasionally shares those promises, some of which are profoundly moving. One of them, “I promise not to kill a bug today,” seems flippant at first glance, but where is that camper’s starting point? For many of our campers, it is a new experience to sleep in a cabin with bug screens for walls, and it is possible (or probable) that the first time they open a Bible is in Piney Park. With that, maybe Genesis gives them a sense of wonder for God’s creation, and perhaps they are introduced to the ten commandments in Exodus. Given the background of some of our campers, a promise to not kill a bug is a significant step.
Pray for the Camp Alkulana, and their campers, counselors, volunteers, and staff. Give to the RCFN Missions Offering to support Camp Alkulana’s work.
June 11, 2023: Church Hill Christian Wellness Center
Years ago, a man who was waiting for his girlfriend that was a regular shopper of the Church Hill Christian Wellness Center clothes closet said to director Glinda Ford, “She shops in the clothes closet as if she was in the department store that was located on Broad Street.” Recently, another one of her regular shoppers proved that what he had said years ago was still true. She came in shopping with a mission. Her husband had decided to wear red for Easter, and she wanted a matching outfit. She found two outfits but was ecstatic over the red and black pant suit that she felt would go perfectly with her husband’s suit. When she was asked, “Do you want them to remain on the hangers or folded,” she chose the hangers.
Pray for CHCWC’s ministries, food pantry, and Bible studies; and pray for their neighbors, safety of their children, those seeking housing, and the future location of CHCWC. Give to the RCFN Missions Offering to support CHCWC’s work.
June 4, 2023: Camp Alkulana
Something happens on nearly every bus ride the younger campers take to Camp Alkulana. Right around Charlottesville there’s an audible gasp when the view opens up and they can finally see the first glimpse of the foothills that become mountains. It’s new. It’s exciting. And it’s… a little scary. Imagine you’ve never been out of your city, and the mountains are wholly unfamiliar. Or maybe you’ve never slept away from home before and the view reminds you how far away you’ll be. Perhaps you’re nervous to meet new friends or unsure about the challenging activities that will be presented to you that week. At the same time that bus is shuttling campers to camp, Alkulana counselors and volunteers are preparing to greet them.
Pray for the Camp Alkulana, and their campers, counselors, volunteers, and staff. Give to the RCFN Missions Offering to support Camp Alkulana’s work.
May 28, 2023: South Richmond Baptist Center
Serving their neighbors is the mission for the South Richmond Baptist Center. Each week, they prepare food, both with their monthly emergency distribution, at the St. Paul’s Baptist church location, and everyday needs with an outdoor pantry available 24/7 at the Satellite ministry location. Hygiene packets are also available to the often-homeless population in the southside community. It is SRBC’s desire to have a larger clothing closet and additional furniture ministry for this often-transitional community at the Satellite location.
Pray for the SRBC’s children, youth, and family ministries, and for these community needs for food, clothing, toiletries, and furniture and housewares. Give to the RCFN Missions Offering to support SRBC’s work.
May 21, 2023: Oregon Hill Baptist Center
“Thomas” first came to the Oregon Hill Baptist Center Thursday morning meal because he had heard about the opportunity to receive assistance in getting a replacement Identification Card. In talking with him, he discovered the many other services OHBC offers. Not only did he get assistance in collecting the documents he needed for his ID and the funds to pay for it, Thomas also received a mailing address at which he could receive the ID and also put on his application for future jobs and housing. He received a locker to keep his few belongings safe and a voucher to wash his clothes. But, most of all he discovered a place where he is respected and encouraged as a precious child of God.
Pray for the OHBC’s growing ministry with the RVA homeless community, and for agencies who to strive find ways to end homelessness and to promote justice and equity that lead to lasting and positive change in individual lives and systems. Give to the RCFN Missions Offering to support OHBC’s work.