Dessert Drop Off
Thursday, April 29, 2021
4:00-6:00 p.m., North Parking Lot/Lower Commons Entrance
This year we are providing CARITAS men with a wonderful dinner and dessert this April. As we will be ‘contactless’ this year due to COVID, the dinner and desserts will be dropped off for the men to serve themselves. A church member has graciously volunteered to make dinner for the men, but we would love to have 15 volunteers to make one dessert each so there is lots of variety. Please sign up through Sign Up Genius to provide a cake, brownies, or dessert bars (something that transports easily and doesn’t require a freezer). As the men have cookies in their lunches, we are hoping to provide them with other tasty desserts for dinner.
Please keep the following in mind:
- Use a disposable container/pan as we will not be able to collect any cake pans or baking pans afterwards
- Use a container that allows the item to be transported safely
- Please avoid using any nuts, peanuts or peanut butter for allergies.
- Please avoid any dessert that needs to be frozen as we can’t keep the items at that temperature
- Please choose something other than cookies, as the men usually have cookies in their lunch
- If your dessert needs to be reheated, please provide instructions on how to reheat.
Any questions, please contact Laurie Gray.